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Lantern Rite season had finally rolled around in Liyue, and once again Traveler and Paimon go to check out the festivities. 

"I know Paimon said that we'd spend the next Lantern Rite with your sibling.. but Paimon guesses that it's a little too early isn't it..?"

"It's alright Paimon, we can't really expect much from them now can we?"

"You're not sad?"

"Maybe a little, but I'm sure they're watching from somewhere."

"That's the spirit! Paimon will be here for you every Lantern Rite no matter what!"

"Thanks Paimon, it's nice having you around."

The atmosphere was filled with festive cheer, colors everywhere, and not a dull moment in sight. Ribbons were hung from balconies, stalls were scattered across the harbor, and the scent of delicious meals hung in the air. Liyue was decorated with thousands and thousands of ornaments, all coordinated by the Liyue Qixing. 

"They really do outdo themselves every year!", Paimon exclaims.

"They really do.. I wonder how they step up the festivities every year..", Traveler says with awe. 

Walking up the steps the two hear their stomachs grumble and laugh together sheepishly.

"Wanmin is a bit far from here so maybe we should look for something a bit closer?", Traveler asks the equally as hungry Paimon.

"Hmmm.. If Paimon remembers correctly, Heyu Tea House should be around here!", Paimon says with an "a-ha!" pose.

"Good thing you remembered, I might've eaten you instead!", Traveler jokes.


The two of them stare at each other silently for a couple seconds and laughter shortly fills the air. 

"Let's go!", Traveler makes out, short of breath from laughing.

Traveler and Paimon reach Heyu Tea House with no energy but their own resolves for food. In the midst of their suffering two taller men approach them, slightly concerned. 

"Ah, Traveler and Paimon. It's nice seeing you here.. however you two look like you haven't eaten in days! Are you okay?"

"Childe, Paimon and Traveler have just come back from Inazuma for Lantern Rite, we should probably give them some space. However they do look like they're in awful shape... Say, have you two had lunch yet?"

Paimon and Traveler perk up at the thought of food, a little too much in fact that Childe thought they looked like dogs before their mealtime. He shuddered at the thought of them devouring him whole. 

"Xiangsheng! Why.. don't we treat them to lunch! We haven't had lunch either-", Childe nervously offers.

"Oh? That's a wonderful idea Childe, what do you two think?", Zhongli asks the starving children in front of him.

"We'll delightfully take up the offer...", Paimon says slowly getting closer and closer to the ground. 

The four of them reserve a table outside at the teahouse catching up on their findings in Inazuma, interesting new artifacts that popped up in Liyue while they were gone, so on and so forth. 

"Beidou was very kind to let us on the Alcor. We didn't really have another way to get there."

"I can imagine, she's awfully talented and the seas are probably terrified of her at this point.", Childe remarks.

"Traveler, did you happen to see Xiao when you reached Liyue Harbor?", Zhongli asks as if he's forgotten such a matter.

"No, I'm afraid not. Paimon did you see him at all?"

"Paimon hasn't seen the Vigilant Yaksha anywhere- is something the matter Zhongli?", Paimon asks, head tilting slightly in a confused manner.

"I see.. it's nothing to be concerned about, however I did see him watching the Alcor dock and was wondering if he greeted the two of you when you stepped down.", Zhongli explains.

"That's Xiao alright! Always watching from afar and never coming into the bustling city.", Paimon says lightheartedly with a sigh at the end.

"However I did see him with you two at Lantern Rite last year. It's amazing how you managed to make him watch the lanterns.", Zhongli chuckles.

"It wasn't an easy feat but I'd have to say we were satisfied with the results.", Traveler chuckles.

"Hu-hu! We managed to get the one and only Vigilant Yaksha to watch the lanterns, I'd says it's a feat for the records!" Paimon chimes in.

Everyone's laughter fills the air and conversation continues till the end of the meal. Everyone says their goodbyes and Zhongli holds back Traveler for a couple minutes. 

"Traveler, I have something I need from Wangshu Inn today however I don't have time to go and get it myself. Do you mind going to Wangshu Inn for me?", Zhongli asks.

"I don't mind.", Traveler responds.

"HEY- We just got back to Liyue and you're making us run errands?", Paimon fumes.

"Now now it won't take too long. Just ask Verr Godlet about my shipment of Premium Grade Noctilus Jade. It'll have the rest with it.", Zhongli explains.

"Alright we'll do that-"


"I'm sure I'll have something for you. Carry on then.", Zhongli dismissing the two.

"I guess we should head on over to Wangshu Inn. Who knows, maybe Xiao will greet us there instead?", Traveler asks Paimon.

"Maybe, it's been a while since we've seen him!", Paimon responds. 

With that, Traveler and Paimon walk through Liyue Harbor while refilling their emergency and travel rations that were once used in their trip through Inazuma.

Among the bustling crowds they weave their way through the port to the bridge that connects them to the rest of Liyue. The golden trees and the intricate rock formations made them feel a little more close to home. A gentle and slightly cold breeze blows through Traveler's hair as a breeze would at this time of the year. As the leaves rode the winds the Traveler and Paimon follow, all the way to Wangshu Inn. 



Heyo! I'm the author- I really don't know what else I should say about myself lol.
This is my first fanfic but it's kinda just a brainrot with somewhat of a plot rn so please be patient with me ;u;
This chapter has not been proofread yet but once all the chapters are finished I will proofread and fix all the tiny details! Maybe even change it a little- idk where this is going.

Anyways, I hope you like it!

Estimated Date for Next Chapter: 7/30-ish

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2021 ⏰

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