After lunch

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Johnny's POV:

I really don't want to talk about lunch, Noah was crazy to invite Finn that guy is bad news he was always butting in me and Noah's conversation while we were dating and I almost beat his ass when he got Noah a fucking chocolate heart on Valentine's Day last year and then he has the audacity to put his opinion on what happened between me Noah and Asher, he's lucky we were in public or I would have punched his pale ass, I was so worked up about what had happened at lunch that I forgot that Asher had to travel to New York to film his show obviously I was sad but he keeps up with me while he's gone either it be sending me ass pics or we jerk off together at the end of the day on FaceTime he made sure I had my needs for filled possibly because of the Noah incident but I like to think it's because he's a good boyfriend ..
2 hours later...
I had finally got home from the airport I had been texting with Noah the whole time and he had apologized about the Finn thing and we were just talking about life like we used to do and he said that he was gonna take a shower and he would text me after, and for some reason the thought of his naked body all wet made my dick throb through my pants, I was in good place with Asher and here I am thinking of Noah's fat as- no I can't say that I'm in a relationship I have to remember Asher and not think about how I used to pound out Noah, dammit I had to call Asher to help me get rid of the thought of Noah, I was in love with Asher and only wanted to be friends with Noah.....
Right ?

To be continued........

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