5. The Polaroid

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A/N: Hey besties, so i was thinking about changing the name because it doesn't really go with the story... so if it changes don't be surprised lol. Also i'm taking recommendations because i really have no clue on what to change it to. Anyways, enjoy!

Y/n's pov:

"Oh this is gonna be good!"


"They're kinda cute"

"Hurry up!"

A light flashed making my eyes open, revealing Connie with a polaroid camera and Julie, Goldberg, and Guy around her all looking down at the freshly taken photo.

"What are you guys doing", I said moving my head off of Avermans shoulder causing his head to fall from where it had been propped on top of my head, resulting in him waking up.

"Huh", he said then looking over at the camera, "what are you looking at?".

They all snickered and then handed him the photo, he's face immediately went red and his eyes went wide.

"What is it?", i asked taking it out of his hand. It was a picture of me and him asleep. My head on his shoulder with my arm wrapped around his arm. His head was propped up against mine. My face began to heat up.

"oh how cute they're blushing!", Jesse said with a laugh.

"If you didn't want the picture took you shouldn't be cuddling in public", Guy said smirking making the rest agree.

I just rolled my eyes, "whatever, we look cute", i say showing it back to Averman with a small smile on my face.

He let out a breath of relief, "we do, don't we?", he said now looking at the picture smiling.

"Oh i ship it!!", Connie said with a big smile.

"Same!", my brother said shooting up out of his seat and looking over to us.

"She's way out of his league. You'd deserve better if you two ever dated", Charlie said loud enough for us all to hear.

I saw Avermans emotion change almost immediately. He looked down and stayed quiet, he didn't say anything smart back like he usually would.

"Oh why don't you just shut up once Conway !", my brother yelled.

"What?! I'm just telling the truth! Look at him and then look at her! What even!?", Charlie shot back not holding back. "She deserves a real man!".

"I sure hope you're not implying yourself.", i said with a scoff .

"And what if i am?!"

"Then you should forget about it! Cant you see she's not into you?!", Dean said now getting involved.

"Honestly man, take a hint", Fulton followed.

"Whatever man", was all Charlie said before sitting back down in his seat, going quiet. Everyone else went back to what they were doing leaving just Averman and I.

Averman was still looking down, almost as if he were ashamed.



"Look at me Lester"

He slowly tilt his head up now facing me.

"Don't listen to him, he's way to full of himself for me to ever like him", i started, his eyes lighting up the tiniest bit, "besides, i'm more into boys with glasses"

This made his smile reappear, god that smile.

"Keep it", i say handing him the picture with a smile.

"Thanks y/n/n", he said.

He just gave me a nickname. Play it cool. Cool. To late i feel the heat across my face. I look away in hopes to hide the blush.

-Time Skip-

A few hours later, and one movie later, we arrive in California. And god is it hot.

"I'm sweatin' like a hog", Dwayne said beside me.

"Yeah and i'm sweatin' like a sinner in church", i said mimicking his country accent earning a laugh from Averman who was on the other side of me.

"Alright team! Let's head to the dorms so you can all get unpacked and change into the USA outfits!", Coach said catching our attention.

We began to walk to the dorms and whenever we got there he told us who we'd be bunking with. Of course it was me, Julie, and Connie to one since we are all girls. The boys were split up since there were so many.

Me and the girls went to the room, unpacked and then got changed.

"You like him right?", Connie said randomly.

I glanced over to Julie and then back to Connie, "me?", i asked pointing at myself.

"Yes you!!"

"I don't know who or what you're talking about", i say looking down to zip my jacket up in hopes to hide the blush creeping up onto my face.

"Oh don't play dumb y/n! We know you like him!", Julie said in a 'obvious' tone.

I glanced up, "who?", i asked hoping to sound clueless.

"Averman!", they both yelled.

"Keep it down! Jesus i'm sure my mom could hear you all the was from NC!", i said panicking.

"So you do like him?!", Julie said.

"I- i don't know. God. I mean- maybe?"

"Ah! I knew it!", Connie yelled.

"Oh you guys would be so cute together!!", Julie added.

"Ok ok- just keep it down ok?! And please don't tell anyone", i said with a desperate tone. I think i'd die if he found out.

They both 'zipped' their mouths shut with imaginary zippers and threw away the key. I signed in relief.

End of this chapter! I hope you all enjoyed it! Sorry for always posting so late at night but they always have me work during the day 😐🤚 anyways again with the new title, any ideas?

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