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Holly's POV: I wake up in a cell, the last thing I remember is meeting some hot guy last night...He just seemed so mysterious and just my type.

I look over to my left and I see three dead bodies and I hold in my scream. I quickly run up to the cell and I try to get out but my hand feels a sudden burn to it! 

Jackson walks down "Sorry sweetie, vervain" He winks, I look at him and the only words that come at out of my mouth is "Why am I so fucking hungry?-" I started to jump and scream annoyed by the hunger.

Jackson continues to look at me with a smirk. "Well...I had sex with you! Drained you of blood... nearly killed you and then ACTUALLY killed you so now your in transition." Me and him go at it with threatning stares, I eventually lose focus and I give up. "You did what to me? are you fucking delusional...Im not a vampire! They dont even exist." Jackson steps a little closer "Oh really? Well then how come you feel SOOOO hungry! Your emotions are mixed because they are amplified and you just feel like ripping your teeth into somebody's skin."

Holly's mind: "This guy is fucking delusional, Im done talking and now I have to get ouf of here..." She turns to him "Wanna make out?" Jackson replies "With pleasure." As he leans in for a kiss she attempts to grab him and he catches her hand "Where are your manners! Didn't your mother teach you to respect your good looking elders?" "Well I guess it's time for a little vervain."

Holly turns to him, quickly grabbing the vervain burning her hand and slashing it across jacksons face. "I need to make a run for it!" She dashes out quickly. hopping into her car and driving away. 

As holly's driving to the police station, the area fills with smoke.  "Is that my engine?" She stops for a second. She looks and sees nothing, she looks again and it's jackson. She now tries to run over him and he disappears. She now drives faster and over the speed limit, Until she makes it to the police station. She runs to the door screaming for help.

Before she could enter the police station an strange  woman appears infront of her. She grips her by the neck saying "Im sorry, I can't let you do that." She looks into hollys eyes "Forget everything jackson told you,  now go feed." 

Holly dashes off forgetting everything jackson had told her and she goes to feed. 

Estrella POV: Jack...come on! Pick up the damn phone for god's sake.

The phone picks up. "I can't keep doing this for you jack! Leave this one out of it, her mother is apart of the council." Jackson replies. "So what? Council members kill plenty of our kind, so now im doing the same." 

"Look jack...you either stop doing it or I'll report you to the council." Jackson replies "Well I'll have no problem bringing you down with me." Estrella stops for a second and she exhales. "Im not scared of the council or your childish attempts to be some scary serial killer, but you have no idea that people on this planet have killed twice as more than you ever have."  

"Look jack, all Im telling you is that if you keep messing with this town they will find out about this and will hunt you down if it costs there lives." Jackson stops. "If they want to risk their lives against an immortal being...so be it."

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