
Começar do início

You only nodded, continuing to observe all of the exits and entrances. Your brain was telling you to get out of this situation. To kick him in his balls and run out the front door. But where will I go? I can't call my brother or my dad, not because I don't want to, but because I can never get in contact with them. I'm on my own here. Besides not having a plan, I have no clue where I am. I'll just play nice to get out of the situation.

Baji was in the kitchen grabbing some supplies and ingredients to prepare the dish. He was a bit annoyed that you disturbed him while he was watching tv, but he also had to play a little nice in order to get some information out of you. Why hasn't Mikey called me yet? Knowing him, he's probably fast asleep with Draken taking care of him and Takemichi following behind them like a lost puppy.

"Can you grab the plates? They're in the cabinet over there," Baji told you, pointing to a cabinet over the sink.

"Sure. Should I grab two?" you asked, opening the cupboard.


"Paper plates?" you asked, scrunching her nose.

"Sorry princess, we can't all afford fine china," Baji said rolling his eyes. Well I could, but I'd probably end up breaking it.

"There's nothing wrong with it. I just expected that when you have a guest, you eat on regular plates," you shrugged.

"And who said you were a guest?" he questioned, stopping what he was doing to lean against the counter and stare at you.

"Oh. I didn't mean guest. But I just..." you trailed off.

"You just what?" he asked, walking closer to you. He was uncomfortably close, invading your personal space. You continued to step backward until your back hit the edge of the sink. Baji placed his arms on either side of the edge, locking you in place. "I'd like to hear the rest of your sentence," he spoke lowly.

You were at a loss for words. Up close, he's absolutely gorgeous. I don't think I've ever seen a man look this effortlessly good. God really took his time on him.

"Hmm. Nothing to say?" He stood up and grabbed the paper plates from your hand, placing an even amount of noodles on both of your plates. "Come on," he motioned for you to follow him.

Handing you one of the plates, he opened the fridge and took out two bottles of water. "Here," he said, handing you one.

"Thank you," you softly replied. He makes me nervous, but not in a kidnapper way—more like an attractive guy kind of way. I don't want to mess up and say the wrong thing in front of him. I feel like a middle schooler with a crush on the hottest guy in school, desperately trying to impress him.

"Sit." He pointed to the couch that he originally sat on.

"I can eat in your room so it's not weird—"

"I don't want food in my room. Now sit here and eat."


He grabbed the remote, hoping to fill the silence. Fiddling with the device for a couple of minutes, he found his way to Netflix and resumed his movie.

"Seriously? This Michael Meyers movie?" you scoffed.

"What? I like old-school slasher films," he replied.

You didn't want to admit it, but the gruesome horror films always made you feel a bit grossed out, so you shy away from watching them. It didn't help that you were trying to eat and enjoy your food, but the spilled guts on the floor were causing your hunger to quickly fade away.

"You know what, I'm not really that hungry..." you said, standing up.

"What? Didn't you just beg me for some food? And after I took the time to prepare this?"

"I watched you take it out of the box and add hot water..." you replied monotonously.

"That is beside the point. Just sit down and eat." You did as he said, in fear that he might hurt you if you disobeyed. He looked at the girl next to him. You were stuffed in the far corner of the couch, your knees close to your chest. How cute, she's scared.

You ate your food in silence, trying your hardest to avoid the scenes on the television screen. To avoid having nightmares, you ate your food quickly and threw the plate in the trash.

"Well Baji, thank you for the food, but I'm tired now so if it's okay with you, I'm going to go to sleep," you replied hastily.

"Uh-huh. Oh and toiletries are under the bathroom sink if you need anything," he smirked. Why was he smiling, you thought to herself.

If he was being honest, you being scared over bloody guts was amusing to him. He wouldn't use it against you, but now that he knew this, it excited him.

"Thank you," you replied.

"Sleep tight, your highness," he chuckled.

Rolling your eyes, you tried to think of a quick response to his nickname, but came up short of ideas, "You too, kidnapper."

"The name is kind of lame. I'd expect you to have better comebacks, at the very least," he sighed, cleaning up his mess and walking to the kitchen.

"Whatever," you replied, walking quickly to the bedroom to get ready to sleep.

Baji walked to one of his closets and grabbed a spare toothbrush and toothpaste he usually kept in his travel bag. To avoid another interaction with you, he used to the kitchen sink to brush his teeth, ensuring to clean it out afterward.

I've got to call Mikey tomorrow to assess the situation. She can't continue to be here. The longer she stays, the more attached I'll be to her. Sometimes I hate the fact that I care so deeply for people I get close to.

"Whatever. It's only temporary, and after tomorrow, she'll have just been a passing thought," he said aloud to himself.

He walked to the couch, turned off the tv, grabbed a blanket, and went straight to sleep.

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✔️𝑆𝑇𝑂𝐶𝐾𝐻𝑂𝐿𝑀 𝑆𝑌𝑁𝐷𝑅𝑂𝑀𝐸 | 𝐵𝐴𝐽𝐼 𝐾.Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora