4) Quidditch

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James: As we all know James was the Gryffindor seeker, and had been since his third year. He loved the responsibility of knowing that the game he well and truly loved, relied on him. He thrived under the pressure too, which was probably due to his passion for the sport. James trained relentlessly and around the clock, if he had even the slightest gap in his 'schedule' it would be filled with an impromptu quidditch practice.

Sirius: Sirius' position on the quidditch team was beater. His personality suited that position greatly; protecting his teammates and friends... with a bat. What more could he ask for. He didn't train that much in his free time as James would, but when Sirius did train he went all in. Frequently leaving the pitch drowning in sweat.

Remus: Although Remus was a talented student, quidditch wasn't his forte. He could barely ride a broom. Getting to 4 feet in the air and bailing completely. He would always go and watch his friends matches though and assist them if they needed help.

Peter: Peter tried out for the quidditch team at the same time as Sirius but for chaser. Sadly he didn't make the team but that didn't stop him from joining James practices and still being a fan of the sport. He was one of the teams biggest supporters, and the team adored him for that. When watching the games with Remus he was always happily explaining what was going on on the pitch to help Remus understand.

Lily: Ever since Lily discovered Quidditch she loved it. Becoming a Gryffindor chaser in her third year. It was through Quidditch practice that Lily thought James had become... tolerable but her playing Quidditch was never about him. Lily quit the team halfway through her fifth year to focus more on her studies. However, she would try to never miss a Gryffindor game and always watch with Remus and Peter.

Marlene: Marlene was a star chaser on the Quidditch pitch. She was as fast as light and was an acrobat on her broom. She made the team early on and quickly rose to be a Quidditch celebrity around Hogwarts. She became Quidditch captain in her fifth year (because of her ability to play any position amazingly) and she appointed James as her co-captian... after he begged her for the position for weeks.

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