
Start from the beginning

"Of course!", he said before moving slightly away, letting you in. "Let's see", you said before looking him up and down," hmm, let's start with the trousers", crouching down you started to fold up the hem of the pants, exposing his ankles.

Looking down at your crouched form, his grin widened at the position. He definitely wouldn't mind seeing you like this more often.

When you were finished, you pulled his pants a little, straightening the legs of the pants to get the wrinkles away before standing up again. "Next thing, tug in the shirt into the pants, I think it would look better that way", "can't you do it for me", he suddenly said in a low voice, his face getting closer to yours. "You have two healthy and capable hands", you stated as you stared right back at him. "No, my right hand still hurts from before", he grinned, making you reply, "it's doable with one hand as well."

"I would appreciate the customer service though!"

You tried your hardest not to roll your eyes, "doesn't that count as sexual harassment? I don't wanna catch a case", you replied making him laugh, "do you think I'm that type of person?"

Shrugging your shoulders you simply stated, "I don't know! I don't know you." He was about to reply to you but Kakucho interrupted him, annoyed, pushing the curtains to the side, "would you leave her the fuck alone and do your shit yourself?!", "why are you so defensive of her", Koko asked with a cocked eyebrow. "I don't want to deal with both of your shit! I'm also not in the mood to clean up any mess you two make. Let her do her fucking job! Buy whatever the fuck you want and let's finish this goddamn deal so we can go back home!"

"Who pissed into your drink?!", Sanzu replied back snarkily. You looked at the men before walking out of the dressing room, turning towards Ran. Looking him up and down you went up to him and fixed his tie a little before straightening out his jacket and patting it down.

"It looks good, the color suits you!", "right?", he said, giving you a charming smile. If there was one thing you had to admit it was that each of the men, no matter how annoying one or the other is, was rather handsome in their own way. Ran was probably one of the few who could charm his way into any set of panties he wanted to.

"Say darling, why aren't you wearing something cute today?", Ran suddenly asked you. "Oh? Just didn't felt like it today", you simply shrugged. "Hah, you looked cute yesterday", "I look cute today too", "you would probably look cuter in a dress", he said. "Of course, with a face like mine, I would look cute and cuter in anything I wear", you replied with a slight smirk.

"Aren't you a confident one", "well, as I said, with a face like mine, who wouldn't be", you cheekily replied, the slight smirk still gracing your face. Ran was definitely taken aback by your sheer confidence but he didn't show it. He wasn't used to girls being this confident and standing their ground like this in front of him. Usually even the 'confident' once wavered or got shy in front of him, their eyes nervous and wandering but yours not.

"True", he said, his charming smile not leaving his lips when he suddenly leaned down towards your face, "you are quite the pretty thing. No doubt about that", "I know, I know. Thank you", was all you replied into his face before backing up and turning towards Sanzu, who was still bickering with Kakucho.

"Are you alone today?", Akashi appeared beside you, looking down at you. Humming out a yes in response, "mhm, my boss left earlier today", "ah, that explains why she isn't here. Thought she might be on a break or something", "no... she has a boyfriend btw", you said, looking up at him. "Huh? Wha-, NO! Omg I'm not interested in her!", he sweat dropped, making you laugh at his reply. Everyone instantly halted, looking at your laughing form. Your child-like laugh, making even Akashi blush, his heart warming up. "How cute...", Kakucho mumbled under his breath.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I just thought.. since you said it so weirdly!", you said, trying to calm down. Akashi chuckled,"no no, I'm not interested in her, I'm more interested in you!", making you instantly halt, warmth spreading on your cheeks in seconds, "o-oh!"

Looking at him with wide eyes, some might say, with an innocent expression. Despite your fit today you looked absolutely adorable.

He couldn't even explain how it was possible. It was just your whole attitude it seemed, the innocence, the childish laugh. He gave you a smile a hand reaching out to pat your head. Suddenly the ringing of a phone interrupted everyone. Kakucho instantly fishing his one out, taking the call, "Boss?... yeah... we will be shortly there!"

Ending the call he looked at the others, "Boss called! Pay up and let's go!", he said, shoo-ing everyone back inside the dressing rooms. You tilted your head at him, him looking back at you giving you a small smile making you smile back. "We're gonna pay and then we, unfortunately , have to leave!", Kakucho said, making you nod your head, "figured", before you made your way towards the cash register, waiting for everyone.

Soon they stood in front of you, purchasing the clothes they got before you packed everything up and gave it to them. "Well, till next time princess", Ran said before he and Rindou made their way out, followed by a Koko who stuck his tongue out and Sanzu, grinning at your form, "can't wait to see you again, Angel!"

Kakucho sighed before slightly bowing to you, "thank you for your service", leaving you a tip. He and Akashi were about to turn and leave when you suddenly mumbled something, catching their attention. "Pardon?", Kakucho asked politely turning back to you.

"My name... my name is (Y/N)...please keep it a secret from the others!", giving the two men a small smile.

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