chapter 1

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 <chapter 1> the player or the badass?

  I really hate airplane rides even in first class not to mention sitting next to someone who wouldnt shut up about her problems! god some people just love to vent their problems i mean like really you dont know me why would you tell me you made a mistake and cheated on your boyfriend? but i have to say it was pretty funny to me! i feel sorry for that guy! and now im sitting here watching and waiting for my bags another thing i hate! i felt like someone was starring i hate that feeling i glance to my right and see not just one pair of eyes looking at me but 4 pair of eyes they were all pretty good looking but i dont have time for them i need to get my bags and get out of here! just as i glance back i see my bag passing me 

"shit" i curse under my breath i follow my bag trying to catch up to it. I almost catch up to it when i notice a person step in front of me and well thats all it took i was knocked on my butt and it hurt!

" oh shit sorry " said a deep voice i glanced up to see a guy around my age 17  but maybe 18 he was well built and very tall about 6'2 compared to my 5'5 figure his blonde hair stood out and made my long  chocolate hair look boring his green eyes were really bright my grey eyes were still better than his though not being cocky though 

" oh its okay just lost my bag though guess im stuck in this place a little longer" i said shrugging and getting up dusted myself off and turned to walk on look for my bag again 

" HEY WAIT! " he said coming to me  i turned around and waited for him 

"yes?" i said being nice even though this guy is hot something yells player about him 

" well i was thinking i would help you find you bag seeing as i made you lose it " he said giving me a smile 

" umm no thanks its coming up right now anyways" i said shrugging and grabbing my bag of the circle thing whatever its called 

" oh well maybe i could walk you were ever your going?" he asked walking beside me 

"um sorry but no thanks again i see my family up there so bye " i said and walking toward my mom and dad and 3 older brothers and my little cousin 

" WELL CAN I AT LEAST KNOW YOUR NAME?!?" yell someone behind me and i knew they were talking to me 

"COREY" i yelled back without looking 

"ACE" he yelled back 

" I HOPE I SEE YOU SOON!" he yelled again i chuckled 

"I WISH I COULD SAY THE SAME!" i heard him laugh but it was quiet tell i got to my family there really loud i feel like i missed them more now never living in Rome again without them thats for sure! 

" Hey there short stuff" my older brothers Quine Tyler and Matt  said at the same time while giving me a hug that was killing me! they were triplets but look absolutely nothing alike in the face but all had the same blonde hair but we all had my dads gray eyes but they got my moms blonde hair when as i got my dads chocolate hair but i got my moms small but curvy figure and well her front and back side were I also inherited too 

"oh...god ... cant.......breath!" i said gasping for the word while gasping for air 

" oh sorry" they said letting go 

" dang when did you guys become so buff?" i said when i got my breath back i looked at them there were well built to and about 6'3! they got that from our dad too

" got to look good for the ladies and i see you met Ace Kings" Quine said looking at me i laughed Ace Kings thats a funny name haha 

" whats funny???" he asked 

" His name think about it" i said and went off to greet the my mom dad and my little cousin i wonder why they brought him?

" Hey" i said and was wrapped into another huge hug with my parents and my cousin hugging about my leg i love him but why is he here with them?

" oh goodness i missed you i got stuck living with these crazy animals and let me tell you these boys made the unpossible possible" my mom said faking horror 

"HEY!" all the boys said together it made me laugh 

" i can only imagine umm and why is little Sammy here?" i asked ruffling his hair 

" im not little" he pouted he was about 5 with big brown eyes and black hair he looked just like my uncle Mike but he was small so i think he might be short like my aunt Lily 

" Oh well that um Corey you aunt and uncle passed away about 2 months ago they got in a horrible car accident " she said looking at Sam with tears in her eyes they died oh god!

" We have taken in Sammy here" she said picking him up and smiling at him my mom always loved Sammy her called her mom too 

" does he understand what happened?" i asked looking at her face she opened her mouth to talk but Sammy cut her off

" Mommy and Daddy are in the sky now " he said looking at my mom then layed his head i the crock of her neck

we were already by the car now and i put my bag in the back and got in the car cause i was speechless what are you suppose to say when a little kid says that? Sammy is smart very smart i can see that another thing her got from his dad im sure going to miss my aunt and uncle as i was thinking that a tear slid down my cheek i whipped it away and just sat through the car ride listening to the things ive missed  



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