Then I saw him raise his hand and bring it down to meet my face. Screaming I clutched my face in my hands as I fell backwards against the table and hit my head.

"You stupid little bitch!" I heard him shout in my ear.

Then I felt something hit my head hard causing me to scream again. Tears were streaming down my face and I could smell a sweet scent in the air. The sweet scent reminded me of blood and an exotic floral scent. I was bleeding.

As he continued to hit me I did everything I could to shield myself.

Then the door opened. Who was it?

"Get off of her!" It was Tyler.

I heard the two of them shouting obscence words at one another before I heard them hitting one another. As I forced my eyes open I saw a pair of scissors in Drews hand. No!

I tried pushing myself up but I felt too much pain whenever I moved. Very slowly it was like I was blanking out. I felt scared. What would happened if Tyler got hurt? Would his father come after me next?

I heard shouts of pain but couldn't place the voice and then it was all quiet. Oh no this was it! Tyler was hurt and now he was coming to finish me off.

A hand touched me and I began screaming as loudly as I could. Maybe if I was heard I could be saved before he did me too much damage.

"Shhhh.... Renesmee its just me. It's Tyler." I heard him say.

So I was wrong. It was Tyler who had gotten hurt but that monster of a man. That means Tyler was safe and so was I.

Immeadiately I felt my body relax from worry. There was only pain left to deal with.

I reached my hands out blindly to feel for his hands. When he took my hands into his I felt safe for the first time since entering this classroom.

In the next moment many things happened. The classroom door opened again and there were loud footsteps. Several angry voices filled the air.

"Put your hands up and step away from the girl!" One male voice shouted.

I felt Tyler pull his hands away from mine. "I didn't hurt her officer I was the one who called you." His voice sounded terrified.

"Tyler don't leave me." My voice was nothing more then a whisper as I reached out weakly for him.

After a few moments I felt his arms back to me. Then his arms were gently cradling my body before I was lifted.

"Does she need medical attention?" A male voice spoke.

I shook my head weakly. "My father and grandfather are doctors I'll be fine." I sighed as I clutched the front of Tylers shirt in my fisted hand. "Just take me home Tyler."

It felt like ages before I breathed in the fresh air. I didn't know where we were going or how we were going to get home but I didn't care at the current moment. All I knew is I felt safe and secure and that I was in good hands.

"Nessie!" I heard a familiar male voice. I forced my eyes open and sure enough my grandpa Carlisle was coming towards us.

What was he doing here? More importantly what about the sun?

"There is blood." I heard Tyler murmer. "I think she hit her head pretty hard."

He stopped walking and then I felt the temperature change as I left his human arms and was taken into my grandfathers ice cold arms.

"Lets get her home." My grandfather said.

I was carried to the car and then put in the backseat. I soon realized that I was laying across three other bodies. I opened my eyes and saw, accompanied in the back seat with Tyler and I, Alice and Jasper. In the front was Esme and Carlisle.

Sunlight - Book 3Where stories live. Discover now