Depuis le début

" we had one fight, I'm not exactly going to cut you out of my life Ren." he chuckled, giving Renee the green light that she had forgiven her.

" I'm going to hug you now, but please don't make it weird." Renee told him, knowing how icky pope got when it came to affection even from his best friends.

He nodded, mentally preparing himself as she wrapped her arms around him and he too (although hesitantly) did the same.

" I love you P." she told him, as they both pulled away,

" likewise." he murmured awkwardly, although he did too love his best friend — he hated speaking the infamous love word.

Standing back in their usual space between them, which pope enjoyed. Renee suddenly had a perk of excitement.

" I got you a card." she announced, as her hand reached into the back pocket of her jeans and pulled out the folded bit of a4 paper from her moms office that looked like it had been scribbled on by a toddler.

Pope took it from her, unable to stop a small chuckle as he looked at it " as you can see, I  went for the abstract approach." Renee lied, trying to cover up for her terrible artistic skills.

Pope opened it, beginning to read it out loud,

" to p." he began "good luck with your interview, don't forget me when you're all rich and famous living in Washington. I'm your biggest fan, go show them what kids from the obx can do and remember-"

Pope looked up to Renee with a look in his eyes "really?" The blonde nodded, egging him to read it out.

" nobody puts pope in a corner." Renee smiled widely at the obvious dirty dancing reference as well as Pope letting a laugh escape his lips.

" all my love, ren" he finished and looked at his friend who had a gaping grin on her lips.

" I've already decided we're watching dirty dancing to celebrate tonight." Renee hummed, earning a loud groan from Pope who detested the film with a burning passion.

" just admit it already , you love romcoms Heyward!"'


━━John B had barely spoken for all the time she had been there — except the part where he revealed that Ward Cameron has stolen the gold from crazy crain's house. Kiara seemed more concerned about her best friends well-being than the fact she had spent her summer searching and risked her life for many times for something that had been stolen away from her.

Renee sat by JJ, who was still processing it all — especially Ward being the killer of big John who was practically the person who had raised him after his mom left — she was holding the hand that wasn't placing his blunt between his lips every few seconds, silently reassuring him that she was there and that everything would eventually be okay again.

" are you sure he got everything?" Kiara asked, looking at John B who had been trying to take off his arm cast for the last few minutes.

" the whole enchilada." he grunted, pulling it off finally before disregarding it to the side.

" it's not like I expected a happy ending or some shit." Renee stayed quiet, not feeling in the mood to try and lift anyone's spirits.

" John B-" she started, although the brunette already knew he was about to get scolded about not letting his arm heal properly, beating her to it.

" what Kie?" he groaned " it's a hairline fracture, who cares?"

Kiara rolled her eyes at his arrogance " you should, your arms gonna be messed up for life." her attempt
at helping him was once again looked past.

He lifted his hand and wiggled his fingers, as if it were an indication he was completely fine,

" it's fine see."

Bowing her head as if it were a way of giving up, the silence was only momentarily before the cladding of heavy footsteps came down the dock.

" guys!" Pope hollered out, everyone turning their head to look at him as he sprinted towards them.

He was extremely exhausted, panting and gasping for air " oh god, I ran all the way here!" he explained bending over trying to regain breath into his lungs.

" how was the interview P?" Renee asked, hoping he had ran all the way here to tell them he had managed to secure a scholarship then and there,

" don't ask." he quickly changed the subject, not wanting to focus on a bombshell of a interview that had just occurred.

Finally being able to stand up, he finally began to talk " JB, I'm sorry dude about everything."

John B replied with a quiet mumble disregarding his friend's apology, " but I haven't got a lot of time and I have information that is tactically relevant."

Renee leant further in, managing to still keep her hand intertwined with JJ's.

" so before I had my interview, my dad said he was going down to the private air strip to cut palms." Renee was confused on why he was telling them this information,

" for Cameron's big plane." he continued, the mentioning of the mans name grabbing his attention " because it was too heavy it needed a longer landing strip to take off."

Renee looked at Pope although most his attention was focused on John B " so I'm sat there in my interview thinking to myself hm why would cameron need a longer airstrip to take off?"

one by one, the penny seemed to drop in each of their heads, looking at one another to see what if they had caught the drift yet,

" what could be so heavy to weigh it down?" Pope continued to ask the group,

" gold." JJ told them, earning an overexcited little dance from Pope.

" exactly." he agreed " guys, this is our chance but it leaves tonight and we gotta go."

Renee looked at the others who weren't saying anything, " well, we're not just going to give up are we?"

Everyone shook their heads, jj turned around fully and looked at John B who was already holding eye contact with him.

" what's the plan big man?" JJ asked, earning a little smirk from John B,

" we're gonna steal that shit back."


not me writing an entire Renee & pope scene because I love their friendship that much

all I'm saying is shits about to hit the fan :)
don't forget to comment and vote if you enjoyed x
- Elle x

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