"They're good," He assures the other man before setting the chopsticks aside and moving away. He can feel Kiyoomi's eyes on him as he steps to the side and washes his hands. "What's up?"

"Nothing," Kiyoomi looks away to finish preparing their food. "Are you still living at headquarters?"

"Mm yeah, there's no point in getting an apartment when I'm off on missions all the time anyway."

"Did they give you a bigger one at least?"

"Yeah, it's not half bad. Why?" It's weird for Kiyoomi to ask about things at headquarters.

"Do you have a lot of belongings?"

"Omi Omi what's up?" He asks.

"There's an item I'd like from my belongings that they're holding in storage. I'd requested it once before but headquarters told your brother that they'd have to release all of my belongings."

"Oh I can do that," Kiyoomi had gone straight into undercover work after his training period was over, anything left in his storage would be from whatever life he had before he was recruited. Atsumu has to admit that he's curious about who Kiyoomi was before. "Leave it to me Omi Omi! I'll take care of you!"

"I know you always do," Kiyoomi sets two bowls down onto the table and Atsumu has to fight to ignore the way his heart races. He wonders if Kiyoomi even realizes how much it affects him when he replies to Atsumu's jokes like that.


It takes two weeks for Kiyoomi's belongings to be released from storage. Atsumu returns from a mission to find five boxes neatly stacked inside his dorm with Kiyoomi's name neatly written on each one. Atsumu recognizes the handwriting as Kiyoomi's own and he's not at all surprised that he'd chosen to pack his own belongings instead of letting someone from the agency do it for him. Atsumu looks around his dorm and considers the space he has available. It's not much but he's sure that Kiyoomi's probably worried about how long it's all been packed away. He decides to go through his own belongings and gets rid of some of the clothing he doesn't really wear much anymore. He puts Kiyoomi's clothing away among his own and finds spots on his shelves for Kiyoomi's books. When he's done he looks over the dorm once again and he tries not to think too hard about how good it feels to see all of their things mixed together like this.

"I'm so fucked," Atsumu grumbles as he finishes tidying up his room. He eyes the brightly colored Itachiyama hoodie that now hangs in his closet. He remembers seeing the uniforms when his team had played for nationals but he'd been more interested in catching up with Kuroo than trying to meet anyone new. Atsumu vows not to think about it too hard when he falls asleep with the highlighter yellow hoodie held in one hand.


At some point, Atsumu starts measuring time by the visits he makes to Osamu and the missions where he gets to see Kiyoomi. The time in between seems to pass by in a blur. It's strange to him to see how well Osamu has settled into a normal life. He and Suna live in Osaka where they work together to run Osamu's onigiri restaurant. Everything about them is so domestic.

"Stop eatin all the onigiri!" Osamu yells, throwing a towel at Atsumu's face with enough force that he falls from the stool he'd been perched on.

"Nice kill!" Suna's voice calls from the kitchen. Atsumu curses as he gets back to his feet, he's got the towel in hand ready to toss it back at his brother but before he can the bell above the door rings. He and Osamu both plaster smiles on their faces and call out a greeting to the customers that have arrived. When they aren't looking, Atsumu makes a face at his brother before going to take their orders. He always tries to help out at least a little bit when he comes to visit.

The Reckless & The Brave Book 3: Casual Affair [SakuAtsu]Where stories live. Discover now