"I've met both you and your brother. I could tell that something was a little odd," Kiyoomi tugs Atsumu's shirt back into place. Neither of them makes a move to put more space between them. "There were other kids?"

"A lot. Well, there was only eight of us at first. Then they brought in the kids for the castle. You've probably met a few of them," he wonders what Kiyoomi would do if he did touch his hair. "Kunimi and Kindaichi run the security desk. Matsukawa in the medical ward. Then there's Oikawa and Iwaizumi obviously."

"How did they get you to join?" Kiyoomi notices a loose string hanging from Atsumu's shirt and he reaches out to tug it free carefully.

"I was a kid. Me and Samu were in foster homes and they were all pretty crappy. No one wanted two kids you know? So they just kept bouncing us around. Fukurodani promised us security. They said we could stay together. That's all I ever really wanted."

"Is that why you've been so down? Because Osamu retired?"

"Part of it I guess. We're barely allowed to talk now... and even when we do talk he just talks all about how great his new life is and how happy he is and... I guess it just feels like he doesn't miss me like I miss him."

"Did you tell him you feel that way?"

"No, of course not," Atsumu scoffs and crosses his arms. "He came back to Fukurodani with me after high school. He didn't have to do that and I knew he didn't want to but I let him anyway. He runs an onigiri restaurant now. He's doing really good..."

"Did you ask him to?"

"Well... No but I made it pretty obvious. I didn't do good in the normal world. Not like Samu did. I couldn't settle. We wanted to stay together and the only place I fit in anymore is Fukurodani. So Samu stayed with me even though he had his boyfriend already."

"If you never asked him to stay then how is it your fault that he did?" Kiyoomi settles back in his chair then and it feels like Atsumu's been released from some sort of hold. He moves away and takes his normal spot on the couch.

"It's whatever now. He's happy," He stretches out across the couch.

"You can take the bed this time if you want it," Kiyoomi offers.

"Nah I'm good here. You deserve to have your own space. You can't have that if you're sleeping in the living room."

"I don't need special treatment, Miya. I know that you've been traveling a lot and not all of your stops are as nice as this one."

"I'm fine on the couch Omi," There's no answer for a while. Atsumu wonders if he's gone back to his book but just as he starts to sit up to check Kiyoomi speaks again.

"We could just share the bed then," he says casually. Atsumu sits up quickly and looks at him.


"Why don't we just share the bed?" Kiyoomi is staring off to the side, his fingers tapping nervously on the arm of his chair. Atsumu rubs his ear wondering if he misheard.

"You want to sleep in a bed with me?" He asks, just to be sure.

"Look if you'd rather not, it's fine," Kiyoomi snaps. Atsumu sits up on his knees and leans his hands on the arms of the couch.

"You don't like being touched, Omi. I'm kinda clingy when I sleep."

"There's..." Kiyoomi has a strained look on his face. "I was thinking... If you were open to it... I don't... I don't mind touching you."

"That's why you asked about my tattoo, isn't it? You wanted to try touching me!" Atsumu leans closer. "What are you trying to ask me exactly?" He's starting to think he might have an idea but he's not gonna jump to conclusions and make a fool of himself.

"I'm just thinking that it would be convenient if," Kiyoomi's face scrunches up in a look of what Atsumu assumes is disgust. "I've been undercover for several years now and that means that I don't really have an opportunity to... have relations with anyone. I'm not sure of your sexuality but if you were... agreeable perhaps we could." He gets stuck again there and resorts to just glaring at the wall instead as he fights with himself to find the right words. Atsumu wants to smooth away the little wrinkle that forms between his brows. He's almost positive now what Kiyoomi is trying to ask so he gets up and does just that. Kiyoomi startles at his touch and his dark eyes jump up to meet Atsumu's gaze. He slides his hand up to card his fingers through Kiyoomi's dark curls like he'd wanted to before.

"What were you thinking?" He asks. Kiyoomi leans into his touch, a dusting of blush across his cheeks. Atsumu wants to see more.

"You know what I'm trying to say," Kiyoomi snaps at him. Atsumu grins as he leans closer.

"I'm kinda dumb Omi-omi, you gotta spell it out for me," he teases. Kiyoomi glares and grabs a fist full of Atsumu's shirt, pulling him down into a kiss. Their lips clash together and it hurts a little but once Atsumu adjusts his stance it melts into something softer.

Atsumu doesn't bother to mention that kissing is the extent of his experience. In high school he'd never been able to get close enough to anyone to form any sort of relationship, he'd thrown himself into volleyball in order to avoid dealing with his feelings about his past and then when he'd returned to Fukurodani it just hadn't felt right. He didn't want a relationship based on a lie, he wanted someone that he could be open with. Someone that knew the real him. The more he thought about it, though he admittedly wasn't doing too much thinking, the more Kiyoomi seemed like a reasonable choice. Atsumu was definitely attracted to him and while their situation couldn't really lead to anything other than a casual fling at least there were no lies between them.

If Kiyoomi noticed his lack of experience he didn't mention it as they fell into the bed together. Everything was gentle touches and lingering kisses as they both were able to forget about the outside world, even if it was just for the night.

The Reckless & The Brave Book 3: Casual Affair [SakuAtsu]Where stories live. Discover now