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Made some major revisions.


I wish that I can wake up with amnesia. But for that to happen, I'll have to sleep first.

I just don't see that happening anytime soon.

When I'm still a kid, I hate sleeping especially during afternoon naps. Now that I'm older, I realized why my parents insist on us getting as much rest as possible. Nothing quite describes adulthood like sleep deprivation. Just when we realized how much we wanted and loved to sleep, the more obstacles there are in getting that desirable slumber.

And tonight, there is another hindrance to my desire to just spend time with my blanket and pillow.

Nong Jay and I are alone. In a room. A dark one. He was asking me about something as I was taking a few steps away from him. I looked at my back and slipped. Nong Jay tried to help but ended up falling with me instead. Our bodies are pressed together, my hand in the small of his back and his face, just a few dangerous millimeters away from mine. Then P'Mork and my brother came.

If that isn't a plot for some horror film then I don't know what that is.


A loud thud came from the direction of the door. Someone swing it open too hard it hit the wall and created the loud bang. There P'Mork and P'Song were standing with faces as pale as ghosts.

"Get the hell away from my brother!" P'Song shouted. Fumes were coming out from both his nostrils and reddened ears.

Uh-oh, this is BAD. Like S.U.P.E.R. bad.

On any other day I would have joke like, "It's just us, you know. Me and nong Jay. What's with your expressions?"  or something similar but the fumes coming out of my brother tells me tonight isn't the best time for me to showcase my humor. So instead, in a stuttering voice I said something like,

"P', t-this isn't what you t-think it is." I immediately said. "Let me explain..." Panic was evident in my voice.

Is there still a point in explaining? I sounded guilty as hell.

But my stuttering aside, the truth of the matter is enough to close the case and label us guilty criminals. 

Poorly lit room. Check.

Alone together. Check.

Scandalous position. Check.

Everything just screams, SUSPICIOUS!

I take a quick glance at P'Mork suddenly curious how he is taking all these. I'm not sure what he feels judging from his reaction but what I can say is that he looked like he was about to eat. His mouth was opened enough to eat a whole orange without peeling the skin. Nobody does that, right? Anyways . . .

"You shut up first." My brother is really mad. You know you messed up big time when you made my brother angry. The guy was so chill on a normal day.

"P' . . ."

I do as I was told and kept quiet while trying to calm my nerves.

Nong Jay stood up looking as casual and as unaffected as he usually does.

"What happened here?" P'Song asked still fuming.

Nong Jay sighed first before replying.

"I'm looking for a different room to sleep in. I saw P'Pi and was about to ask him but then he suddenly slipped. I tried to help but ended up falling with him instead and the next second, you came. End of story."

"Is that all?" P'Song asked looking more relieved but still a bit skeptical.

Nong Jay simply nodded his head.

Ugh, P', trust me, this nong here is not the one you should be worrying about.

Sometimes I really just want to smack my brother at the back of his head. Or kick him in the rear. Or maybe shave his head bald.

Me and nong Jay? Does that makes sense? Not in a thousand years. Not even if you add a thousand more. I'm not saying me and P'Mork does makes sense but nong Jay and me? Someone tell me if the sun has risen to the west, cause it's that level of impossible.

But then again considering our positions, well, okay, P'Song has a right to overreact.

I am still slumped in the floor when P'Song walked towards us and helped me up. He was shooting the younger one daggers in his eyes and the unexpected reversal was amusing.

"Is he telling the truth?"

I rushed to nod my head several times. Hoping against hope that the act carries a certain credibility enough to convince my brother to let this one go.

P'Song was eyeing me intently. I forgot to breathe.

"Then I'll take your word for it." Just then, I felt relief wash over me. This is my brother finally dismissing the issue.

Phew. That was close.

I almost slipped and tell P'Song about P'Mork's confession earlier that day but good thing I no longer need to. That's a whole new can of worms that must not be opened at this time. Instead of helping me out of this pinch, I think it will make an even bigger trouble that'll be harder for me to clean up.



Should I still continue this story?

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⏰ Last updated: May 04, 2022 ⏰

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