<3Meeting everyone<3

237 3 3


also the pictures aren't mine.


Its early morning at Akademi high school. Everyone is entering the school. Except for the delinquents. They're always late making it harder for the student council. Today the gym teacher escorted all of them who had class 3-1, Iwaizumi, Kyoutani, and Sakusa, to the class with the one student council member, Yahaba Shigeru, that they have class 3-1 with. While the delinquents went to sit in the back, Yahaba made sure the teacher doesn't count any of them tardy. As much as he hates the delinquents, he's not that much of a jerk... just a little dangerous. The phone addicts in their school girl uniforms that they wear, came in half way through the class, escorted by Daichi, the leader of the student council. The teacher wasn't very happy with this. She gave them detention. They argued with, 'the delinquents came in late I bet they don't have detention.' The teacher said that they were excused my Yahaba. Yahaba was 'friends' with the leader of the social butterfly's, Oikawa, so they didn't hold a grudge. They just sat down and took the punishment. The delinquents in the back were shocked. The scary looking student council guy is the reason they didn't have detention. They all secretly felt some kind of gratitude towards him. Even if he's personally given them a detention at least once. Today was a group project. Throughout the day they had to find someone in a different club and friend group to work with. The whole room looked at each other. The only people who had it easy was the social butterflies. They could walk up to anyone and be like 'Lets be friends!' the teacher gave out an assignment to do while they were in class.

2 hours later they were dismissed to go to there clubs. The people who aren't in clubs just have free period.

"I'm not doing this project," Sakusa said. Sakusa is a germaphobe, but only the other delinquents know that. Other people think he wears the mask and gloves because he looks scary. He has a baseball bat strap to his back. He doesn't need a mask and gloves. Well... he does, but for a different reason.

"No one of us want to do it, dumbass," Kyoutani said with a growl. Hes also known as Mad Dog for his beast like behavior. Iwaizumi hit the back of Kyoutani's head.

"You don't have an excuse," he said. He was pretty much the leader of all the delinquents. He pretty much protected everyone.

"Sucks to be you guys," said Terushima. Daisho nodded. They went to their stop by the incinerator.

"Where did my crowbar go?" Kyoutani said.

"Probably the occult club guy," Sakusa said. "He took my bat the other day. I found it in that pentagon."

A few minutes before. In the school

"I think I'll just ask Haba-chan to be my partner," Oikawa said, talking to Makki and Atsumu. They are known as the phone addicts or the femboys.

"Boringggg. I am going to ask some one new," Makki said.

"From where?" Atsumu asked. Makki stopped for a second before looking at the occult club.

"Occult club. You guys can go on," Maki said. They both looked at Makki before walking off. Makki went in the occult club. 'This is spooky- that guy is in my class! What was his name again... Matsukawa? Yeah!' Makki walked up to the boy and stopped in front of him. The guy looked up. "I'm Makki! You're in class 3-1?"

"Yes..." Mattsun said in a lower voice than Makki expected.

"Do you want to be my partner for the project?" Makki asked. Mattsun just planned for the teacher to put him with some one random tomorrow.

"Sure," he said. Then he went in the middle of the rug and read off his book as he lit some candles. Makki watched him. After he finished a dark light came. Then a crowbar. Mattsun was clearly happy that the spell worked.

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