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Ok so, most of the things I write in my own take place in an AU I made. Basically everyone that died came back and eventually chilled the fuck out, and Jack (mostly) forgave Felix.

Felix (Kranken): Bisexual Certain things can give him anxiety (this will be important in fanfic I make on my own) Still feels guilty about the car crash (which he should tbh) Doesn't drink as much as he used to but still does Nickname is Fel [pronounced like the word feel] but only Jack called him this 5'9

Jack (Walten): Bisexual (cuz why tf not)
Forgave Felix but doesn't like when he is around his kids much
Still married to Rosemary
Bullied in early school

Rosemary (Walten): Straight Ally Very supportive of her husband (and LGBTQ+ in general) Forgave and forgot the crash and is willing to give Felix another chance Nickname is Rose/Rosey but Jack is usually the only one to call her this 5'8

Molly and Edd (Walten) Straight Ally (although they don't always understand that stuff they think people should be themselves) Pretty much always together and protective of each other Forgave Felix (somehow)  

Sophie/Soapie (Walten): Lesbian (as most may know... Jenny)
Forgave and forgot da crash as Rosemary did
Has her license and is usually the one to drive people places

Brian (Stells): Pansexual supportive of everyone Almost always wheres the uniformed hat but not the rest of the uniform, even if he doesn't have/need to Knows who Felix, Jack, Molly, Edd, Sophie, and Jenny are Is usually the one to babysit Edd and Molly, since Jack doesn't want Felix around them and Felix is uncomfortable around them Often wonders into the woods just to look around Doesn't like to be near Bon (I wouldn't blame him tbh)

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