"Completely fine and already making announcements to the press" She answers calmly. 

Your thoughts spiral and your hand grips at the edge of the chair. The nurse gently pulls her hand from your forehead. 

Where do I even start? 

"Before you run off, you are still injured, and you definitely won't be discharged today." The nurse's expression is stern as she makes eye contact with you. "You heroes always try to leave early. So, I would like you to turn around, head back into that room and rest. Please. I will send your parents up."

You contemplate sprinting to the stairwell to your left, but when you feel the aching in your legs, and, well, everywhere, you give the nurse a nod and pull yourself from the chair. 

"Is anyone else here? The green haired boy or the angry blonde?" You ask, slightly eased to know everyone seemed safe enough. 

"No, but I'm sure they'll find out shortly" And she gives you a soft smile before gesturing to the hospital room door. Moments later, you are walking into the white tiled room, a juice in hand the nurse hands you from her trolley. You ruffle your hair awkwardly. 

It doesn't take you long to climb back in your hospital bed and turn to the flowers at your side. As your eyes linger on the red petals, your thoughts reminisce over your awful nickname Bakugou gave you, the beautiful red dress you wore to the dance, the blood spilt in your training, and Bakugou's captivating red eyes. Sleep shortly takes you, the red roses fading from vision as your eyes close. 


Your parents are there when you wake up. They are your first visitors of many to come that day. 

Your mum's bright pink eyes grow watery the moment you sit up, your hand clung in hers. Your much taller father rises to his feet, wrapping his arms around you immediately. 

"You look as bad I did when I went to hospital kid" He chuckles, the vibration running through him comforting you as he gives a tight squeeze.

" Honey! Not the time." Your mum retorts. 

"Hey guys" You let out softly. "I'm glad you're okay." 

Your mum lets out a slight sob at those words. "It is so very you to comfort us when you are in a hospital bed." She pauses before her next words. "What you did was very brave dear." 

Your dad pulls away, his eyes falling on your pink ones. "Very brave. If I could give you the, you would have one of these medals." The medals on his uniform jingle as a hearty chuckle escapes him. "We saw you help land the plane. And we watched that sick, stitched up villain take you"

"I'm so sorry we let him take you baby" Your mum lets out. 

"Mum, what were you going to do against one of the most deadly and famous villains in all of Japan?" You raise an eyebrow teasingly, some of it singed from the fire.

"Nothing compared what you did (Y/n)" Your dad smiles down at you. "We are very proud of you for helping that boy escape, and for all your work at UA" 

You try to hid the smile that forms on your lips, and glance away to the flowers on the side table. "You sound like I'm dying. Its not a big deal." 

There is a moment of silence before you turn back to your parents, alive and well, in Japan with you. And you lean forward, wrapping your arms over both of their soldiers, pulling them in for a hug. "I'm so glad we're all okay" 

"So are we" They reply in unison.

You all linger there for a few moments before your mum finally pulls away, wiping away her tears. "You have to tell us all about UA sweetie. We met your friend Izuku Midoriya! He was just the sweetest little thing! And your teacher, he was quite the gentleman. But gosh, he looks so tired-"

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