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The Octoling in the alley

It has been a few weeks after the statue had risen from the ocean, a lot has changed in that period. Octolings are now becoming citizens of Inkopolis and now there is a statue in the ocean. Yes, a lot has changed but in the end, being awoken by an annoying alarm clock is not for this young inkling girl. 'Beep beep, beep beep,'' The new alarm clock rang after being snoozed for the fifth time this morning. A fist swung down towards the clock, only to stop right above it and flop down on the snooze button. " I hate mornings with every drop of ink in me," the inkling girl said in a growl. After nearly crushing her new shiny alarm clock she rolled out of her bed and landed on the floor wrapped in a blanket tortilla. She sat there contemplating her life choices for a few seconds before rolling out of the blankets and finally started to live. The inkling girl walked over to the bathroom connected to her bedroom. She looked in the mirror above her sink, her long gray tentacles that had cyan tips were messy and were very greasy. Her violet eyes had dark circles big enough to be seen even through the mask marking on her face. "I need to shower and get more sleep," she said, pulling on her skin below her eye as well as scratching at her scalp. " probably not going to do the sleep part," she said, throwing her oversized sleep shirt off into a dirty laundry basket located in the corner of the bathroom. The inkling girl turned the shower on and hopped in. It took her just about five minutes to finish her hot shower, she grabbed her towel, and she headed back to her room. The inkling girl headed to her dresser and grabbed some clothes off the floor on her way. Once she reached the dresser she unplugged her blue squid phone and checked her messages. "Hey, Quill you up yet," a message from someone who is nicknamed Bomb on her phone. The inkling girl who is called Quill replies by texting "Yes I am awake now Bomb, what do you want?" Bomb replies rather quickly with " stop calling me Bomb my nickname is Blissey, get your butt down here there are new clothes and I want to check them out." Quill turned off her phone and put on the shirt that she picked up from off the floor, gave it a quick smell "it smells somewhat clean," She then put it on. The shirt was a black tank top and had the word "INK" underlined twice in white. Quill grabbed some sweat pants off the floor and put them on. She braided her tentacles then moved out of her bedroom into the area of her apartment that held the kitchen and living room. Quill quickly ran over to her small fridge and grabbed a half-eaten sandwich to eat. She then moved to her door and put on her shoes that were messily thrown in the doorway.

It would only take her about thirty minutes to get from her apartment to Inkopolis, but she decided to take a shortcut through an alley that would cut off a good five minutes from her walk time. Quill walked through the alley with confidence seeing as it's a shortcut she takes often, though something felt off this time. The alley looked like it had been ransacked, glass was everywhere and trash was scattered all around. Quill decided to move carefully through the alley, she did so but stopped in her tracks when she heard a small grunt from the alley in front of her. She quickly grabbed any form of self-defense item she could find, that being an old bent frying pan. She moved closer to the source of the grunts cautiously until the only thing blocking her from it was a dumpster. Quill stood there with a frying pan at the ready; she then jumped out right in front of the source of the painful noises and was surprised to see a beaten up and bruised octoling boy. He was unconscious lying in a pile of garbage bags and trash. "He was beaten up and thrown into a place that would not be very noticeable,'' she thought angrily to herself. "Hey, Hey are you ok," she said, tucking the frying pan underneath her arm while slightly tapping his face. There was no response which worried the Inkling girl as she moved her hand down toward his neck looking for a pulse. She moved her finger around his neck until she found his pulse, which she was so focused on that she did not see the octoling boy wake up. She looked up at the boy's face only to be met by dark silver eyes staring back at her curiously. Quill visibly flinched and jumped up onto her feet from her crouched position. Her newly found frying pan slipped out as she jumped up and it hit the octoling in his temple, the octoling boy made a sound that went like "arghhh" as he held his head. "Oh oh I'm so sorry are you ok," Quill said crouching down and moving her hands around in a panic. The octoling boy looked up and tilted his head he was still holding. Quill stopped panicking and asked once more "are you ok," in a much less frantic tone. The octoling boy didn't seem to understand and tilted his head. Seeing this sign of confusion Quill tried bowing her head in an apologetic way. He did not seem to understand how to respond though so what he did was grab her face and hold it for a moment, before slamming his head into hers. They both fell back to the ground rolling around holding their heads. "Ouch, What was that for! I know I hit you in the head by accident but still," Quill said, rubbing her forehead. The octoling boy became fearful at the sudden increase in agitation in her voice and put his arms over his head as if to block a hit. This action made Quill freeze, as she saw the octoling tremble. "I'm sorry for raising my voice," she said in almost a whisper while holding out her hand "you don't need to be afraid." The octoling boy's head came out of his protective ball and he looked up at the Inkling girl holding her hand out in curiosity. "I can fix up your injuries at my house, so can you come with me please," Quill said as her hand got tired. He continued looking at this strange Inkling and her hand that was stretched in front of him until she lightly shook her hand which made the octoling understand, he put his hand on top of her and Quill pulled him up to his feet. He was able to stand on his feet for about a second before his knees gave out and he was about to fall until Quill reached her arms out and caught him. She caught him under his arm and pulled him up to his feet one more time, then gave him a piggyback ride. He was very flustered by this action but eventually, he calmed down and let her carry him to her apartment. By the time Quill got to her apartment with the octoling boy, he had fallen asleep. It took a decent amount of effort for Quill to unlock the door without waking up the octoling boy on her back. She walked into her apartment and used her foot to close the door before moving through her apartment and heading to her bedroom. She dropped the boy on her bed and stretched her back out. Quill moved to her kitchen and pulled a medicine kit out of the cupboard and brought it to the sleeping octoling or who was sleeping. He had woken up when she was in the kitchen and is currently fiddling with a picture of Quill's family that was once on her bedside table. "That's a picture of my family," Quill said while walking through the door with the medicine box. The octoling boy was surprised by the sudden entrance of Quill and jumped but he tilted his head to the side in a show of confusion after calming down. "Uh you know family, your parents, and siblings," Quill said trying to make him understand. Until she got an idea, She took the photo and used her finger to draw a circle around her family and said "family." The octoling boy only tilted his head further in a sign of confusion. "We will get there," Quill said, shrugging her shoulders "hold out your hand out, like this," while holding her hand out as an example. What he did instead was put his hand on hers and look at her curiously again "well I guess that works," Quill said in a bit of a chuckle. Quill cleaned then bandaged the octoling boy's wounds "there all down.... Um, what should I call you," Quill said, realizing she didn't know his name. The octoling boy merely tilted his head."Um, you know your name," Quill said while thinking of a way to explain it until she pointed at herself and said, "Quill that is my name." The boy pointed his finger at her and repeated "Q-Quill," trying his hardest to pronounce her name. " YE- Yes that is my name," Quill said trying to keep her voice from yelling "and I'll call you.... Ainka," she said pointing at the octoling. The octoling copied Quill and pointed at himself and said " A-Ainka." Quill nodded her head "Yes that is your name for now," she said with a smile.

"Yay I got a chapter out. So yeah thank you for reading chapter 1 and I would also like some advice please." from author 

Word count- 1663

Ink And Quill (Splatoon 2 OC story)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora