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Only the most popular kids can go, and every year Kayla gets me in (she's the popular one if you haven't noticed). But not anymore, now i have 2 great new bestfriends!Except that... I honestly don't like them.Their names are Hannah-16, I actually dont mind her that much, and Ashley-16, we use to hate eachother.You're probably wondering why i hang out with people i despise, the answer is my dad.He says they're good girls and i should be friends with them, (heavily implying that I shouldn't be friends with Kayla) but the thing is they aren't!Ok i know from my dad's perspective they seem like sweet girls, always going to church on sundays and blah blah.. but they always sneak out to go to parties;which i enjoy, but still!Speaking of the devil, they're calling.
"Elena!"says Hannah. "ARE YOU GOING TO THE PARTY OR WHAT??!!?!"says, the obnoxious, Ashley. "Ow my ears!And, no."I say, annoyed."What why not?"Hannah says."Im just not in the mood alright?!"I say, instantly regretting screaming at Hannah;she's a nice girl and i guess I'm just putting my anger at Kayla on her and that's not right."Well, you should come!We got you a dress since I know you have nothing good."Ashley says laughing.I guess they're right, i mean why should i let Kayla ruin my chance to have fun at a party?Plus, as much as i don't like Ashley, she has a really good sense of style (and she's like fucking rich) so this dress might be cute(hopefully, cute enough for hottie Matt to notice me)."So?Are you coming?"Hannah says."Or not, fatty?"Ashley says. "Alright,"I say."I'll go.""Perf!Meet you at 5 because we're doing your makeup..obviously we can't have you embarrassing us or they'll never let us in again."Ashley says."C ya!"Hannah says, hanging up the phone.This party better be worth it...

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