Located On The Corner Of Calamity And A Few Broken Nails Away From Collapsing

Start from the beginning

"Speak up," his mother demanded.

Rather than adding fuel to the fire, he just started the washing machine and exited the room, his parents hurling questions at him that he wouldn't answer. He closed the door to his room and instead of peace and serenity, he was met with more yelling.

"I can't believe you raised him this way! Do you see how disrespectful he is?" His mother yelled at his father.

"Me?! You're the one who raised him! He must've inherited your ignorance," his father scoffed.

Hours and hours, non stop, the yelling and arguing continued. Even as Yeonjun tried to lay down to sleep, his ears were bombarded with insults hurled back and forth like bullets.

He always wondered why his parents were still together. He heard his grandparents ask these questions too, but the only answer that he received was that 'it's for Yeonjun's sake. We don't want him growing up with divorced parents.'

  He had heard it so often that sometimes he wished he wasn't there. He wished he wasn't the one thing that forced the two of them together. He wished he wasn't handcuffing them to him. He wished he wasn't born.

  Every time his thoughts went that far, his mind always trailed to his friends. Their situations were so much worse than his. Does he have the right to feel this way when others have it so badly? For heavens sake, Soobin and Taehyun don't even have parents. Yeonjun thought he should be grateful for the people who take care of him. He should be grateful that he doesn't have to work a job every night and go to school during the day. He should feel lucky that he even has a car to drive around in.

  He sighed as the screaming berated his ears. It would be another sleepless night for him.


"You don't have to keep getting me milk," HueningKai murmured shyly, gingerly playing with the carton you'd placed on his desk.

"I know," you replied, giving him a smile.

"You're still gonna tour the town with us, right?" HueningKai asked, a faint glimmer of hope.

"Of course," you responded as if it were a given.

The truth is, you were in an inexplicable amount of trouble. You were technically grounded, so you should've been going home straight after school, but you hadn't been. You'd finessed yourself out of most of your punishment by using studying as an excuse, but it didn't work so well when you returned home in a water soaked uniform. If it had rained, you would've been able to use it as an excuse, but you didn't have that much luck.

You were beginning to think that the school was a bad influence on you. You'd never had detention, you'd never skipped class, you'd never had any reason to be grounded, and if you did, you sure as hell wouldn't disobey your parents. Perhaps it was the school or maybe you were just finished with blindly obeying the frustrating commands of your parents.

You and HueningKai moved your desks together so that you could work on the math questions together. You felt the smile creep onto your face as he inches closer. You felt like you could finally say you had a friend in the school.


"So where to first?" Yeonjun asked, glancing to HueningKai in the back seat.

"The park," he told Yeonjun.

"Which one?" Taehyun asked, raising a brow.

"Hyungie knows which one. It's a sightseeing tour, not a picnic," HueningKai explained as if it were obvious.

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