I'll Take Care Of It

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  When HueningKai woke up, he still felt tired. Damn his alarm.

  He reluctantly sat up and debated whether or not to turn his alarm off and go back to sleep, but he resisted the urge and he stood up from the bed. He put on his uniform first so that he couldn't change his mind. His mouth fell to a pout as he looked to his bed. He could get an extra ten minutes of sleep...

  With a sigh, he opened his door and then made sure to close it behind him so he wouldn't go back inside. He was greeted by his foster family sitting at the breakfast table. His foster dad was reading the paper  like every stereotypical father does before he goes to work. His foster mother gave him a smile. She was in the middle of eating. His foster sister, who was a good 10 years his junior, was playing with the food on her plate. HueningKai bowed his head gently before he turned into the washroom, disappearing from their line of sight. He put in his contacts and brushed his teeth before he made sure his hair was okay. After he finished, he practically ran for the door.

  "HueningKai! Aren't you going to eat breakfast?" She asked, standing quickly with a hopeful look on her face.

  "I'll grab something from the convenience store on my way to school," he told her, not bothering to look her direction.

  "HueningKai. Listen to Auntie Eunyoung," his foster father said sternly not bothering to look up from his paper.

  He referred to every foster family he got as Mr and Mrs, but they commonly referred to themselves as Auntie and Uncle. Perhaps they wanted him to get more comfortable, but he didn't want that.

  "I'm gonna be late," he said, standing from putting his shoes on. He grabbed his school bag and opened the door.

  "But-" he heard Ms Eunyoung say before he closed the door firmly.

  He immediately walked away. He'd been there for a few months, yet he didn't feel any more welcome than he did when he first came to the house.

  The convenience store was only a little ways out of his way. Only a minute or two. When he entered the store, he was ecstatic to see Jongsu at the counter. The old man was smiling so wide that his eyes were practically closed.

"Hueningie!" The elder exclaimed as HueningKai stepped in.

"Jongsu Hyung!" HueningKai exclaimed in response. The elder had insisted that HueningKai call him Hyung and he wasn't opposed. HueningKai loved Jongsu. The old man had met him once when he and Soobin came in to collect Soobins pay cheque. The old man practically fell in love with HueningKai's charming demeanour.

  "I haven't seen you in a while," Jongsu told him, leaning against the counter.

He almost looked like Santa Claus. He had a big white beard and rosy cheeks. The hair on his head, or what was left, was styled nicely. Jongsu was a sweet old man that gave HueningKai a burst of happiness.

"I've been a little busy," HueningKai chuckled awkwardly, rubbing the back of his neck.

"Well, I won't keep you long. Go grab what you need," he smiled, nodding his head toward the isles.

HueningKai gave the old man one more smile before he retreated towards the coolers. He tried to see the flavours of milk they had as he approached the cooler. He pursed his lips as he tried to look around the one person who stood in front of the cooler. Then, you turned around.

"Oh! Hello," you greeted, bowing your head slightly.

"Hi," HueningKai muttered out as he bowed his head back.

You hadn't expected to see HueningKai here. You were hoping to buy him another carton of milk to put on his desk. You'd been able to do it yesterday before you left, but you weren't even sure if he'd shown up.

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