Chapter 3: Sabito and Makamo

Start from the beginning

      I noticed that Tanjiro was writing a journal so that when Nezuko woke up he would be able to tell her all about what was happening which I thought was heartwarming. He had also been caught by me trying to get Urokodaki to give me a break so that my wounds could heal without me busting them open but I glared at him into submission. Once we had managed to make good time and miss most of the traps Urokodaki gave us swords to carry with us since we would need to get used to them. It was at this time that I asked Urokodaki if it would be alright for me to carry two swords, one in my hands that I would keep strapped to my hip when I didn't use it and the other across the small of my back. At the start he didn't want to agree with me carrying two swords so I took the sword that he gave me and the one that I had created before all of this happened up the mountain with me. I ended up with a lot more bruises and cuts but I didn't care because I had shown that I could descend the mountain with two swords. I got a lecture for that from Urokodaki because of it but in the end he agreed to allow me to carry two swords.

      Since we were now working with swords after we descended the mountain we would do sword swings, Tanjiro would do 1,500 while I would top out at 2,000, 1,000 with the normal sword and 1,000 with my short sword.
      "Katana's can break easily," Urokodaki said the next day while we held our swords and stood in front of three rolled up bundles of straw.
      "If you swing vertically it is strong but if you try to attack horizontally it's weak so we should be looking at applying the strength along the blade right?" I asked while the other two looked at me.
      "I was working towards being a blacksmith, remember? So I know alot about them" I shrugged towards their looks.
      "Good, if either of you ever damage the blade, in other words, break it, I'll snap your bones as well" Urokodaki threatened, making me pale a little since I knew how easy it was to break a sword.

      The next day after teaching us about how to apply the strength along the blade, Urokodaki taught us one on one about how to break our falls and get up quickly from any type of position. Tanjiro tried to use all his strength against Urokodaki with his sword but unfortunately for him even though Urokodaki was bare-handed and unarmed he still managed to throw him off his shoulders. I wasn't much better, Urokodaki was really strong so there was no way that we would be able to get a hit on him so easily.

      "Total Concentration Breathing?" Tanjiro asked a few days later.
      "That's right and I'm going to teach both of you all ten of the Water Breathing forms. Remember to take a long breath so the oxygen flows into every cell in your body. This will enhance your body's natural healing power and both stabilize and energize your spirit" Urokodaki explained.
      "Relax your upper bodies while bracing your lower half," Urokodaki instructed.
      "Right now breath" He said as we did what we were told. It was a lot like the breathing that I had done to try and slow the blood flow on the night that we had been attacked.
      "Wrong" Urokodaki scowled as he hit both of us in the stomach, making us both cry out. I was glad that my rib was healed from being broken now but that said nothing about the cut that was sure to be bleeding. In the last week we had been able to take the stitches out since it had healed enough but I could tell it was going to leave a horrendous scar from all of the stitches that had been ripped out and times I had reopened the wound. Not only that but it was a wide wound to begin with.

      "Next forms" He said, knocking me out of my thoughts.
      "Right! Like this?" Tanjiro asked while doing a weird pose making me blink a little.
      "Wrong!" Urokodaki said.
      "Like this?" Tanjiro asked.
      "Wrong!" Urokodaki once more said. This went on for another two poses before Urokodaki slammed his hand into Tanjiro's stomach over and over with a scowl behind his mask. Next was my turn and I got in trouble and a hand slammed into my chest a lot for not bracing my chest.

      "Next, become one with the water" Urokodaki instructed while we stood at a rock peak that was over a large body of water that a waterfall was running into.
      "Get in there" Urokodaki said before kicking both me and Tanjiro off the edge. Tanjiro tried to run on the air while I tried to flap my arms to try and keep myself up. Unfortunately neither of them worked as we both fell into the water. After that he had us standing under the waterfall and I felt like I was going to be crushed under the water of the water slamming into us. Both me and Tanjiro ended up slammed onto the rocks we were standing on but we continued to try and fight against the water.

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