Chapter 1: Blackthorn

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Blackthorns’ usual dream of chasing mice in the forest without trouble, was replaced by a dream that he couldn’t leave. A ferocious battle was being fought. That battle was won by light and darkness lost. Many cats died and he tried to wake up. His vision went a deep crimson red and then a sad blue. He felt that someone loved by many has left this world. He could feel the sorrow of the that were lost as they left their friends and family. His eyes snap open and he drearily looks around. He was still in the hole in the stump he slept in his whole life. He gets up and stretches and looks at his bedding. Many thorns were poking through the moss and he thinks that’s why his dream came along.

But it seemed so real, he thought, did that really happen?

He shook his head and walked out into the crisp cold air and takes a deep breath. The air hurt his lungs, but it also made him feel refreshed. A gust of wind made him fluff his fur out and brace himself. He went along to hunt for his now empty pile. The cold was a tough season to hunt, and this season was the worst. The twolegs have driven the prey away with the development of their nests.

He managed to find a mouse, which was the scrawniest he has seen, and two voles. He takes them back to his home and puts them onto the pile. He sighs and wishes that he wasn’t clumsy. He would’ve had more to eat if he wasn’t clumsy. He eats the mouse and one vole and goes to the river.

Along the way, it started to snow. He hoped that it wouldn’t get too deep. He was tiny compared to the others that lived around him. He gets to the river and had to break the ice with his paw. He pads back home and lays back into his thorny nest. The bedding would have to be changed tomorrow if the snow isn’t too deep.

During the night, he had another dream and this one was a bright light that shone onto over a lake. He could see the lake and cats milled around it. Surprising, they were well fed and worked together. Blackthorn wished the cats around him worked together instead of treading on each others paws all the time. Starry cats appeared in front of him.

“Who are you?” he asks.

“We are Starclan.” a blue gray cat answers.

“I have never heard of you.” Blackthorn states.

“Calm yourself young one,” the blue gray one says, “I am Bluestar and this is Firestar. We are warrior ancestors of the Clans. All the Clans suffered great loss recently.”

“Then my dream…”

“Happened,” Firestar finished, “You have a special destiny in front of you and you must journey to the lake and find Thunderclan. There, you will train to be a warrior and hone your skills both fighting and hunting.”

“How do I get there?” Blackthorn asks.

“Only your paws and your heart will lead you there.”

The last few words came out a whisper and sunlight struck his eyes. His dream was weird, but he felt like he could trust those starry cats. Their words comforted him and the dreamy air warmed him from nose to tail tip. He closes his eyes and feels like he has been to the lake territory before.

Across the mountains and through the moors.

Blackthorn was prepared for the journey. Thankfully the snow didn’t last all night and it would make for easy travel. Before leaving for good, he looks back at his stump that has been his home for four moons. Ever since he stopped drinking milk from his mother, Moonshadow, he has lived alone. He sets out for his journey that will take him to places he never knew existed.

Blackthorn reached the base of the mountains before the end of the day and he was exhausted. Going over many black paths and through fields of sheep protected by dogs had worn him out. Hopefully he had enough energy to hunt and get a drink. Thankfully he managed to grab a drink out of a small puddle and hunted a plump mouse. It was the best mouse he’s had in a while. Trying to find a place to sleep was difficult, but he finds a small overhang and lay some moss down and went to sleep. No dream came that night and he slept soundly.

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