Getting a scarf and a new spell

Start from the beginning

Gemma: "Ahhh!! Monsters!" Despite being used to the slimy creatures, Kami still figured they shouldn't be this close to anyone else and approaches them while pulling out his blade, and within seconds, with Sandy's help, Kami quickly defeats the three slimes with very little difficulty. Upon dissolving into black, sparkly ash, one of the slimes drop a medicinal herb something that has been proven to be extremely useful, Kami picks it up and places it in his bag.

Kami: "This would be amazing if it wasn't for that bitter after-taste. But still, healing herbs are always going to be useful since we're going into the Tor." After that very brief setback, Sandy quickly runs off to the mouth of the cave with Kami and Gemma following behind her.

Gemma: "And now we have to go into that cave, that's probably where those Slimes came from. But I've got my loyal bodyguard to keep me safe." Smiling brightly, Gemma walks into the cave behind Kami.

Upon entering the cave, it revealed to be more of a cavern with a partially open top with a seemingly endless water falling down from between little cracks. The bridge seemed to be broken, possibly due to a some kind of monster breaking it, so in its place is haphazardly placed logs and planks. Kami, seeing an easier way across, picks up Gemma in the ever so familiar bridal carry and leaps across a couple rocks with ease.

Kami: "They should really fix that bridge soon huh?" Shaking his head, he realizes that Gemma had suddenly gone quiet, looking down at her in his arms, he sees that Gemma's face is a deep red and burying her face into Kami's chest. It was adorable to him, but utterly embarrassing to Gemma. "Oh sorry Gemma, I did kinda do that without warning!" Setting her down, Gemma stares into space for a few more seconds before standing up and following behind Kami who had started walking again. Seeing a few groups of slimes, Kami quickly cuts them all down, turning them into the same dark powder. But after defeating the fourth group of slimes, Kami feels a rush of strength flood him and a fire ball circles around him before disappearing in a poof of smoke. "Looks like I learned a new spell, and thanks for the healing by the way Gemma!" Sticking another piece of dried meat into his mouth, Kami shudders slightly before continuing onward. Crossing a bridge and fighting a couple slimes and needlers, but other than that nothing entirely eventful.

After a little bit more walking, the trio comes into a clearing where the cave opens into the outside, but it was covered in fog which seemed like it wasn't entirely natural. Before they could say anything else, a scream that sounded like it came from a small child was heard.

Small Child: "H-help me!!" Suddenly having their attention drawn to the child, they see that it was Cole, one of the more curious kids. And floating above him was a smog. A creature made of a poisonous air.

Gemma looked back to say something to Kami but he was gone, already running to the kid with his sword drawn, but a large gust of wind stopped him in his tracks, as another smog appeared

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Gemma looked back to say something to Kami but he was gone, already running to the kid with his sword drawn, but a large gust of wind stopped him in his tracks, as another smog appeared. And that's when it dawned on Gemma.

Gemma: "It's not just fog, it's more monsters!" There was no telling how many were there currently since the fog was clogging up the view. Quickly hopping into battle, Kami and Gemma and Sandy watched each other's backs. Kami protected Gemma from any attacks, Sandy stopped them in their tracks while Gemma sat back and healed them both with medicinal herbs and single phials that restored one's MP.

It was a quick but brutal fight, Kami got knocked down a couple times and most physical attacks went right through the smogs. But that was easily solved because of Kami's fire spell, frizz. While healing up and making sure everyone was OK there was another rush of strength flowing through Kami's body but nothing new was learned, Cole fidgets on the spot before apologizing.

Cole: "I'm sorry Gemma and Kami. I only came up here to surprise you and jump out... But then those monsters appeared out of nowhere and I couldn't see anything." Turning to face each other, Kami then looks up at the sky with his hand on his chin.

Kami: "I never heard of monsters being this far up, I've never seen them this far up either. It makes no sense, why would there be monsters this far up in the first place?" Shaking his head, Kami stretches out his limbs before dusting himself, meanwhile Gemma was scolding Cole, before eventually telling him to go back to town with Sandy to ensure his safety. Upon entering the cave, Gemma thanks Kami profusely for saving her once again.

Gemma: "Thank you for saving my hide again! I knew you were strong but you're really growing into a strong hero!" Looking up, the two noticed that they were much closer to the top now and this seemed to excite Gemma... Until it started raining. Quickly running to the vine that hung nearby, the sign next to it said 'Just climb this vine, and don't go loosing your grip, you're nearly there'.

Upon reaching the top of the vine that was 'securely' tied to the tree branch, both Gemma and Kami notice the ledge that they'd have to cross to reach the other side. Going first to test the ledge, Kami quickly shuffles to the other side and patiently waist for Gemma to cross, it certainly didn't take too long but they still have a ways to go. After a few more minutes of walking, Kami and Gemma reach the top of the Tor. Looking at each other they smile and grab each other's hands.

Kami: "We're crossing that threshold together. And we're completing this trial together as well!" They rush towards the exit and stand at the edge. Shaking her head, Gemma seems displeased before she turns to Kami.

Gemma: "I was honestly looking forward to that view, shame the weather ruined it." Thunder roars in the distance before Gemma suggest they hurriedly get the prayer over with and head back down... But fate seemed to have other plans. "Kami... I have something important to tell you. I---" Another clap of thunder was heard as an eagle swiftly came down and attacked Kami and Gemma, causing the blonde individual to slip and fall, only barely catching herself on the ledge. Immediately she started slipping, causing Kami to quickly, but barely, catch Gemma. And as it was raining, he couldn't keep a solid grip on her.

Seeing an opportunity for a free attack, the eagle swoops down only for Kami to look at it in anger. Lifting his hand, the mark started to glow before lightning shot from his arm, piercing the eagle and exploding right after. Causing the eagle to start falling on the spot downwards with all of its feathers burned off and obviously dead. Pulling up Gemma with now nothing to distract him was more easy.

Gemma: "H-how... Are we alive? There was that flash of lightning, it hit the monster but... It came from you..." Standing up, Kami finds his hand being held by Gemma's. But she was inspecting the mark on his hand, it seemed to be glowing, it quickly faded however. "We can worry about that later... You saved me once again, three times in only a single day. I don't know what I would do without you.... Let's quickly finish up this ceremony!" Walking to the edge once again, Gemma and Kami both bow their heads and clasp their hands together.

Gemma/Kami: "Humble folk of Cobblestone, Great Land Spirit's hearth and home. Lift your voices and sing it across the mountains. Blessed we are, since days of yore. Let it be so, forever more." And like that, the sky opened up and cleared away the clouds, revealing the beautiful sight of their home in all its glory, and even further beyond is the ocean and other mountains. Turning to face one another again, Kami and Gemma smile brightly.

Gemma: "That's that, we should head back down, everyone would want to know that we did it! We're both adults now!" Casting a lingering gaze back at the amazing view, Kami follows Gemma back down the mountain to their home, where they received concerned questions and all happy faces.

(First chapter done, I hope you guys like this as much as I did. Let's see if I can pump another chapter out in the next couple of days.)

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