Last Words Of A Killer

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What I did was wrong, I agree

Murder is never right, whatever the reason may be.

I deserve to be hanged, according to justice

The blood on me, the world has to notice.


Stains don't disappear, I can never be pure

Sins I've committed, and the result I must endure.

My honest belief, if I don't maintain my reserve

It is easier to get choked, than to get what I truly deserve.


I've killed a woman, a woman of infinite excellence

In the lives of her loved ones, there could be no other to replace.

Her joy, goal and soul, I had them all snatched together

As she died in defeat, dropping down her eyelids, while I continued beating her.


To inquiries about remorse I've remained still, expressing not the slightest wince

Though for the consequence of my action, I've been plagued by guilt ever since.

For mercy, I plead not the least

But to be tortured just as I've tortured, that is what I ask for this beast.


I did love her, once upon a time

When I had no notion of my potentials, never that of committing a crime.

I was an innocent man, I beg you to believe me

A man as pure as one could ever be.


What gave me the courage, I'm not sure

But for the anger rising within, I would have been mature.

The annoyance was too severe, I couldn't ignore

Not when she sobbed and yelled, and to leave my side never as she swore.


As a child, I couldn't hurt a fly

To an offence if ever I was a witness, hours I'd spend to cry.

From evil I always ran away, for the fear of hellfire

To be held responsible for sin as great as murder, was never my desire.


  Till seven minutes ago, for long enough I've been still

Not a word I've spoken, not after reporting my kill.

A slave to overwhelming emotions, a fool I was to have committed a crime so bitter

Twenty years of refraining from sin, and now I'm a Killer.


What took away my love, I do not know

Within the blink of a year, we were having our first row.

Soon, to have her out of my sight was what I willed

But, I swear it was never my intention
to have her killed.


From love to hatred, my feelings for her changed

As her affection grew over time, soon she had me caged.

My indifference troubled her, to gain what she gave she was desperate

And to taste death my soul awaits, the ultimate end for a twisted fate.

Last Words of a Killer [Fictional Poetry] Where stories live. Discover now