The machine activated and fastened its pace, making the man cry out in pain. He sobbed and cried from the torment, vigorously shaking in his seat. He tightly shut his eyes, his screams increasing with every stimulation he received.

Arnim Zola, who stood not too far behind the spectacle in front of him, took a look around the lab before landing his gaze on the young nurse with a soft smile on his face. "Ah, Miss Maier. You came right in time." the Swiss scientist beamed in happiness, walking over to her with a smile, his eyes clouding with excitement.

Fatima, who was still hiding behind the door, tightly gripped the door handle. A small pout formed into her mouth and she looked at him, her eyes painted with fear and horror.

Arnim brought his hand out, giving her a reassuring smile. "There's no need to be scared, my Liebling. C'mon, the others are waiting," he told her, inching his hand closer to the nurse.

With hesitation, she carefully took his hand and released her tight grip on the door handle, leaving the door behind her as he brought her closer inside the lab. She took cautious steps and approached the others, who were impatiently waiting for the man's results.

To Fatima's surprise, they seemed pretty used to his cries and seemed to enjoy his suffering, making her blood boil. She gave the Soviet soldiers a glare as she approached them, a look of disdain etched onto her face.

Arnim gently brought her to the table filled with a variety of tools and equipment delicately placed on the cold steel counter. She looked down at them, frowning.

"Sir, he won't give in. What is our next step?" a soldier asked the scientist, their glare hardening once he noticed the nurse's presence. She scowled, giving him a disapproving look.

Arnim sighed, bringing a finger across his lips with a thoughtful look. "Chain him up, start over, and increase the levels of stimulation." was the last thing he said before leaving the lab.

The soldiers obeyed and did what they were told and increased the volume, making an ear-piercing scream emit from his pink lips. He gripped the chair tightly, making his knuckles white as snow. The veins in his throat bulged and his screams got louder, making Fatima close her eyes. "You're hurting him."

A soldier scoffed, averting his gaze away from the subject towards the female. His glowering face pierced through her like a knife was held over a fire, and she could feel her heart inside her throat. "If you can't handle it, princess, then why are you working here?" he asked, a smirk plastered onto his features making shivers down her spine as her mouth went dry, being unable to let out a word.

Fatima squeezed her hands into fists and put her gaze on the table, watching the tools vibrating from the screams erupting in the room. She closed her eyes and counted, trying to block the painful noise. She clenched her jaw and squeezed her eyes shut, vigorously shaking her head.

It felt like hours when it only took a few minutes when the torture stopped. The nurse opened her eyes and worriedly looked at the man. His bloodshot eyes were glimmering in the light and sweat was slowly sliding down his rough skin as soft gasps emitted from his lips. His wide eyes darted across the room, panting heavily.

The Soviet soldiers released him, removing the tools that were hatched into his body, causing the man to whimper in pain. The needles that were pierced through him were harshly pulled out. Soft hiccups erupted from his lips as he watched them detaching the helmet from his head, as well as the gum that was still inside his mouth.

Fatima's eyes were welling up with tears and she quickly blinked, avoiding any tears to fall by looking at the side, covering her face with her hair. She quietly sniffed and held her trembling hands to her face, trying to regain her breathing.

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