Chapter 59:tea time..well not really

Start from the beginning

Gunha stop at the first he sees

"this place seems nice"said Gunha

he looks at Hokaze, she seems unsatisfied

"i would prefer to go somewhere else"said Hokaze

"we'll just found another place then"said Gunha with a smile on his face

they found another place after a few minutes,they weren't far away from tokiwadai,it's an udon house

"here seems nice !"said Gunha with joy,he looks at Hokaze,she seems a bit nervous

hokaze look in the direction of tokiwadai[it's still too close....]

"...i go here often"said hokaze,she didn't seem to be happy about it

hokaze really lying,she does come here often,it's actually shokuhou's favourite place

"hmm...."Gunha didn't really hesitate

"let's go somewhere else then,there's a lot of those places in the city,we'll find something eventually"

and so the two of them kept going

after a few minutes

gunha noticed that hokaze was looking back often

"is there a place you think in particular ?"asks Gunha

"i wouldn't mind a place where i don't usually go"said Hokaze

"so...somewhere far away from tokiwadai ?"asks gunha

Hokaze was a bit surprised by his remark

"i mean,it's kinda obvious you're trying to go as far away from tokiwadai"said Gunha

"....i...i....."Hokaze didn't really knew what to answer

"you  could have just told me from the start!show some guts !"said Gunha,he wasn't angry or anything,he seems to mostly encourage her

"we've been walking for like 15 minute for nothing"

hokaze sigh of relived because gunha don't seem to be angry at her

"why do you want to go away from tokiwadai anyway ?"asks gunha

hokaze hesitate for a few second while looking down

"well...... tokiwadai is on alert.... and so they prevent the student from going too far away.... and if I'm seen with someone else that is a stranger to them.. they may see you as threat"said Hokaze

"and also...i would get a lot...."

"i don't usually do those kind of things!"said Hokaze with despair

"but shokuhou-sama manage to convince me to do it!"

"she said that even if i were to go outside of tokiwadai,i would still be fine"

"well, that's understandable, you are pretty strong, "said gunha

gunha strike a pose while crossing his arm

"plus i'm here!i can protect you!"said Gunha [not that you need  my help anyway]

"so we can as far away from tokiwadai as we can !"

Hokaze stare in shock

after a second she starts smiling

"okay....let's go far then"said Hokaze

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