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A pungent smell hit my nostrils as I step foot into my new school hostel . I furrowed my hands around my nose in itch , the smell was just too  unbeatable YA ALLAH!.

I dragged my purple big box hastlily , knowing I left my remaining luggage's outside .

I could feel so many eyes on me but I kept walking rapidly . I looked up and for the first time noticing my environment. You could see so many clothes hunged against the staircases . There was a large hallway leading to a staircase .

I picked out my new iPhone 11 to re check my room number , Cold goosebumps ran down my spine as I felt my whole body fall to the floor , it was as if my whole body was being controlled as I watch the cute little zap box  I was holding that contained my undies spill on the floor , exposing everything to the mud .

I gasped at my colored panties and bras that were smudged in dirty mud , All around me , I started to hear snickers and laughs from the girls nearby.

TF ! , how can a  girl laugh at her fellow girl in this kind of situation. I looked up noticing them from the staircase , some even standing in front of the doorway to their shabby rooms , I didn't know when my coffee brown eyes started to burn with tears .

Why did this have to happen on my first day ? Was this how everyone here is ?
I stood up gently releasing a deep sigh as I proceeded to pick up the contents that were strewn to the ground , my shaky hands fumbling here and there .

"EWO!" I heard a girl scream , her voice echoing loudly and some hostellers who had retreated to go about their various activities , poked their heads again .

" see person pant for gutter !" She added amidst fist of laughter .

I turned my eyes to were she was facing , my heavy eyes landed on my purple favorite lace pant , laying comfortably close to a mud like gutter .

There was no way I could pick it , it was now expired , so as the rest of my panties .
Luckily enough only few spilled from the box , I picked up the back and zipped it , leaving the expired contents on the floor . I picked them gently and walked towards the trash can .

As I struggled with my big box through the staircase , I grunted in disbelief , so no one wanted to help me .

I climbed the last staircase , to my left was a long row of rooms with wires meshed ropes for hanging cloths in front .The cemented pavement looked clean with no stray litter .

I guessed that was my wing because mami told me the room she got me has a high neatness culture.

ROOM NO 56 was boldly written at the top of the door . I looked around the room to notice a hot looking girl , her hair was braided with locks and a good quantity of golden dye was smudged on her hair . She turned her face from what she was doing to notice me , she was very pretty , her fair skin was elegantly glowing and I  instantly noticed her nose piercing , I looked down to what she was wearing. A pair of shorts and a singlet that stopped before her navel . She was really thick and curvy .

I didn't notice I was checking her out until I heard her speak "hello , who are you looking for ?" She asked politely .

There was something that came along with her voice , it was soothing yet powerful, she spoke like she was in charge !.

"Good afternoon, I'm dalillah and I think this should be my room" I said slowly , trying to match her tone .

I could feel her eyes roam around my body for seconds before she finally spoke .

"Oh !, you're welcome, I'm "suhaila" but you can call me "Lala" she said throwing away the water from the rice she was washing .

I looked at her in total disbelief, my mouth almost wide open .

"Wait , you're a Muslim?" I couldn't help but ask .

"Lol , yes I'm" she replied nonchalantly.

Whoa !.

"Kishiga dakin, I think the empty bed should be yours ." She spoke again , leaving me in wonders because of the way she spoke Hausa , it was so fluent and rich .

I walked into the room noticing everything from the door . It was a simple white colored room , that isn't really visibly white because of the dirty smudged on the walls . Regardless , I noticed how two corners were beautifully decorated with stickers . There were three beds standing by each corner. Two sides were decorated and layed , leaving the one adjacent to them which I guess is mine . A small fridge stood in between the two beds , giving it a more beautiful look .
The room didn't look like what mami explained hostel rooms to look like . It looked classy .

I was still admiring everything when I heard sounds of footsteps coming from the door . I turned around to see a tall slender looking girl . Just by mere looking at her , you could see the beautiful in her black . Her hair was exposed in a very long braided attachment.

The chocolate skinned girl beamed at me , exposing her braces, that made her teeth's look even more beautiful. Her dark brown eyes wore a mixture of curiosity .

She made a nervous gesture before asking " Are you our new roommate ? .

I swallowed my spittle and nodded my head .

I noticed how she instantly loosened up and I felt her give me a side hug . I awkwardly hugged her back , pulling a smile on my face .

" I am leila and you're ?" She spoke with so much adaptability like we've know each other for a while .

"I'm dalillah" I said slowly.

"Nice meeting you dalillah and you're welcome to the chic ladies room"she said proudly

"Huh ?" I asked because I don't get the chic .

"Lol , we don't allow pubs stay here , only classy girls are allowed to stay here and we were told you were one , so why not? .

"Uhm who told you?" I asked because I don't understand, braah this girls don't know that I've been locked my whole life and yet I'm classy ? HOW?.

"Lol no need for that , you can make yourself comfortable and sort out your things , lala is making dinner" she spoke again , walking towards her bed.

I watched as she sat down , bringing out a pack of chocolates from the fridge beside her . She picked up her phone under her pillow , it was the exact type of my own but hers was black.

I dropped my big box aside and immediately proceeded outside to bring my remaining luggage's .

It was cold outside , despite that My body felt warm , I knew I was never going to miss home but this felt new , everything was .

It felt as if I was stepping into something that was going to change my life FOREVER !.

Second chapter down lovelies!
Keep anticipating.
Walida md 🤍

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 04, 2021 ⏰

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