"W-well, I am, but I'm actually pretty good at math. I just forget about assignments a lot, and get distracted when the teacher's explaining, and daydream on timed tests.." He started to trail off, looking away. "But I actually know a lot about this subject! We learned it in middle school last year!" He looked back at me, a smile plastered on his face. "I know useless information about most other subjects, but nothing I'm supposed to know on the actual test." 

"Like what?" I asked. 

"Well, I have no idea where the Grand Canyon is... but I read somewhere that 4,564,840 people visited the Grand Canyon in 2013!" 

I just stared at him for a while. "Huh." I said. 

I just turned back to my work, letting him help me. 

After a few hours, we finally finished. Aizawa decided that he could stay for dinner. 

Now we were sitting at the table with Present Mic. Aizawa was cooking something, that I was going to put effort in eating this time. 

"Ya know, I never knew you and Mic were married!" Kaminari said out of nowhere. Mic smiled widely. 

"Yeah! We've been friends since high school, but I was only a few years ago when I finally proposed! It was awesome!" He shouted. I grumbled, putting my head on the table. These people were too loud. 

"Well, congrats!" He shouted back. I groaned at the same time as Aizawa and we just chuckled at each other. We both hated loud people. Yet loved them. 

I stared at my food. It was just chicken and rice, but it made me want to puke just by the sight. Kaminari gave me a smile, so I took a deep breath, and took a bite. 

It was small, and I chewed slowly, trying to make my body remember the feeling. I swallowed, and took another breath. I ate slowly, only taking small bites. I only ate a third of it before feeling uneasy. 

"I-I don't think I can eat anymore..." I said. I wanted to try, but I didn't want to just throw it up again. Then my efforts would be put to waste. Aizawa sighed. 

"Alright. If you think you can eat more later, it'll be in the fridge." I nodded. I stood up slowly, trying my hardest to keep it down. 

After that, we all sat down to watch a movie. Kaminari had called his dad, and he was allowed to sleep-over, since it was already late. We eventually settled on a horror movie, much to both the blonds' dismay. Aizawa and I smirked at each other once again. 

I don't think we were even ten minutes in, before Mic was clinging to Aizawa, and Kaminari was shaking, and covering his eyes with a blanket. When another jump scare came, he clung onto me, which surprised me. 

"You cling to a former villain to feel safe? Smart." I say, sarcasm dripping from my voice. Though I had to admit, his touch was nice. He chuckled, but then realized the position we were in. His arms were wrapped around me, and he was practically in my lap. 

He started muttering apologies, getting up. I grabbed him by his waist and pulled him back. 

"Calm down. Will you stop jumping and screaming if you stay here?" I said, for that reason and another I would never say out loud. 

Kaminari's POV

After I realized I was being super clingy, I tried getting off of him, but he pulled me back. I was a blushing mess, because I was literally laying in his lap. 

"Calm down. Will you stop jumping and screaming if you stay here?" He said. I just muttered a "mhm", then continued to blush. I couldn't pay any attention to the movie after that. 

After a while, he started playing with my hair, which some how made me blush harder. Throughout the entire movie, I was only thinking about him. 

When the movie was done, it was time to go to bed. I went to his room, which was pretty plain. I would have made it way different, but maybe he just hasn't had time to decorate it. His bed was large, so we were both going to sleep on it. 

"Um, if you're uncomfortable, I can get you a sleeping bag if you want," Shinso said nervously. He was the one who looked uncomfortable. 

"Oh, I'm fine. As long as your fine with it of course," I stated awkwardly. Gosh, why was I so weird? He just nodded, and we both crawled onto the king sized bed. 

"Night," I said, turning onto my side, away from him. He hummed in response. 

He was asleep surprisingly fast. I heard his soft snores. I turned over and smiled at him. He was really cute asleep. I brushed some hair out of his face, and he didn't seem to notice. I just watched him for a while, before he started moving. 

His face looked pained, and he was muttering as he shifted positions, over and over. It looked like he was having a nightmare. I rubbed his back, trying to help in some way. 

"It's okay," I whispered. I shuffled closer to him, then wrapped my arms around him. He didn't wake up, but he was a lot calmer. His breathing slowed and evened out, he stopped thrashing around, his face relaxed, and he went quiet. 

I smiled and held him closer, wanting him to feel safe. I fell asleep soon after. 

(1495 Words)

I apologize. I got a lot of writers block while writing this and it took forever to get out. I tried making it up to you guys by making it long, hope you like it. Now I'm going to work on updating my thousand other shit stories and maybe I can finally go to fucking bed. 

See ya~

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 06, 2021 ⏰

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