Chapter one

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(Btw I do have the first four chapter on tik tok. So if you came from there you might wanna skip to chapter four.)

Your sitting in class then all of a sudden, the boy behind you taps your shoulder. You look behind you and see that he's giving you a note.

You look to see if the teachers looking. You back behind yourself to get the note he's giving you.

It says "meet me at the stop sign right by the buses." You look at the teacher again to see if she looking again. Then you write "okay" on the paper and give it back to him.
Once your last period was done. You go to the place that one boy told you to go to. You walk over there and see him. He says "hey so I kinda just wanted to walk together, is that fine?"

You say sure and start walking. About 5 minutes into the walk he says "so how was your day love?" You stop your brain for a second and think about what he said. Once your brain figured it out.

You immediately start blushing. You don't know why because you barely even know this guy. But eventually you say "fine"

You look up at him (btw he's like 6'2) he has a confused look on his face. "Fine? Just fine? What happened?"

You look at him again and kinda smile. Someone's actually appreciating how your day was.

You smile while saying "well it was a pretty boring day"

He nods his head while saying "well yea ig... oh this is my house. I'm gonna talk to you again tomorrow okay?" You smile and say "okay byeee." He smiles and waves. You start walking back to your house and bitting your lip. While walking you just think about the conversation you just had.

(I know it's really short but it will be longer as the story goes.) <3

The boy that sat behind you (M4F) (strangers to lovers)Where stories live. Discover now