That was today.

The time was 8:45 pm.

Of course Jessica and Hallie had to make them do shit. Nothing ever happened without anything for them. That's one of five reasons Y/N disliked them.

If you were wondering, here's the list:

1. In first year they found each other quite quickly. Due to the fact that they both loved money, their looks, and making fun of others, they became inseparable quite quickly. They wouldn't hang out with anyone else unless they lived up to their  "standards".

-you must be rich

-you must be pretty

luckily they weren't pureblood supremacists.

2. They bullied her constantly. Once she got two marks lower than Jessica on a potions exam and they rubbed it in her face for weeks.

3. They always went after people Y/N liked. Just to spite her, or show her how much better they are. In the beginning of third year Y/N started to like Cedric. Now she acts like that never happened. Anyway, Hallie found out and immediately went after him. Unlucky for Y/N they went out for three months. The whole school had a feeling they slept together... which they did. And the only reason Y/N knew was because Hallie sat down with Jessica right next to her at lunch, On purpose obviously. And talked about it in full fucking detail.

4. Nothing ever happens without something going in their favor.

5.  they want to ruin Y/N's life. Because of the incident in first year.

Jessica hated her so much that she convinced her parents to pay professor Snape a shit ton of money so she was able to have her own dorm.

If your wondering what the incident is, here's the story.

It was Y/N's first year at Hogwarts she had been there for a month already, and she absolutely loved it.

She had already become super close with her dorm mates, especially with Jessica. Her and Jessica had also gotten super close with a sweet girl from Ravenclaw named Hallie. The three were practically attached at the hip.

As October began Y/N had started to get closer to a boy named Harry. Her parents were surprised when Y/N told them she had become friends with Harry Potter. They never thought they would cross paths.

One day Jessica asked Y/N if she could help her with a problem. Y/N obviously said she would help, Jessica was her friend.

"I need you to get Harry to like me." Jessica asked.

"Oh I don't know if I'll be able to do that." Y/N said.

Jessica rolled her eyes and pouted. "Only a true friend would help me. I guess you're fake." She started to walk away but suddenly Y/N caved and said she would help.

For the next three weeks she would be talking up Jessica to Harry. Even though Harry showed absolutely no interest in the subject she still tried. For her friend.

"So does Harry like me yet?" Jessica asked while the three ate.

"I'm not sure, he seems to avoid the topic whenever we talk." Y/N poked at her food.

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