1 // Knight Violet (Part 1)

Start from the beginning

              Then, there is me. The ultimate playboy and troublemaker for the Knight family, But I don't care. I live once and I want to enjoy it as long as I can. I have money and I think I'm allowed to enjoy it.

              We have our own company and we are billionaires. We make money by ourselves. We first met on the first year at Harvard, which is of course in the club. We clicked right away because no one could understand the pressure of being the heir to family more than us.

                I grab the beer on the table, pour it into the empty glass and drink it in one shot. A bimbo in the room is sitting beside me and showing me her fake boobs. Well, I don't mind its fake or natural as long as it is boobs. She start to kiss my neck and I let her. On one side, Zach is making out with the bimbo.

               Blade stood up, "I'm going to dance floor". Chace decided to follow him so both of them left the room leaving me and Zach having fun with our women.

               I almost drink one bottle of beer and don't worry, I can hold my liquor very well. Among our group, I'm the better one. I pushed the bimbo away, I need to find some girl for me to bring to hotel to entertain me tonight. I need some release.

               "When I push you away, then you go." I told the bimbo. She pouted slightly, sucks! I don't like having a girl being clingy or forcing myself to be with her. When I say no, it means no. Period.

               I glare at her then I make my way to the dance floor trying to find a girl for me to have, I wonder who will get lucky tonight to have me for one night?

               Its really hard making way through the crowd when someone keeps pulling you to them, grabbing my hand asking me to dance with them. I pushed them slowly and glare when they refuse to let me go. Just then, I turn to look at my right. Oh god, the view is killing me..slowly.

               This girl is swaying her hips in that tight black dress. My my, her body isn't skinny nor fat. She looks so hot with the curves. Now, this is what I'm looking for tonight. I can't help but stare at her while she still dancing, absorbing the music and let her body dance to it. She look so carefree yet I know she's the wild type.

                I shook my head at the thoughts of it. I keep watching her and I snapped out from my thoughts when I saw her making her way to the bar. I followed her, I need to have her by hook or by crook tonight.

               "One martini." I ordered, the bartender nodded and started making the drink. Another bartender put one glass of beer infront of the girl. She drank it in one shot. God, that is so hot.

              "Hi, what is your name beautiful?" I asked her. She looked at me and smirked.

               "I'm Ms. Not-Freaking-Interested." Ah! Feisty..and wild. This will be so interesting and fun tonight.

              "My name is Axel." She look at me and snorted. She ordered another glass of beer. I grab my martini and take a sip, still staring at her while she took another shot of beer.

              "You're not telling me your name?" I try again. "I'm sure your name is as pretty as you."

              She laughed sarcastically, she laugh at me when no one would do that to me, "I told you just now". She put some money on the bar and went back to the dance floor.

            "Knight gets rejected tonight. The first time ever!" said a familiar voice. Blade.

            "There is always a first time." Damn you Chace.

             I glare at both of them. I look back at the girl on the dance floor and she is swaying her hips in sexy way with the slow song at the background. Damn, I feel so hot and some part of my body are getting hard. What did she do to me?

            She spoiled my mood of getting laid. I fished my phone out and took a picture of her. Its not that clear though but enough for me to use it in finding her name. I put it back my phone in the pocket. If I didn't get her name the easy way then I should try the hard way.

              "I'm going back." I said to Blade and Chace, pushing them since they are blocking my way. Blade grab my shoulder and laughed at me, "Aw, you frustrated?"

              I glare at him and pushed him again, "Shut up! I'm not in the mood."

              Chace snorted, "Who will have the mood when you just get rejected for the first time." Chace retort while Blade nodded. They looked at each other and high-five. Great, they will use this against me until I get the girl.

               "F-ck off." I make my way out of the club with one mission.

               Finding that girl's name. I never thought I could go this far for just one girl but nobody rejects me and she did – for the first time ever. I need her on my bed, sooner or later. She's mine to have.

A/N : How is my first chapter? ;) I'm so excited that I have to put the chapter today!
Vote and comment please :)
Love, xoxo

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