"Dead. I know." Harry responded sharply, he sighs, knowing what he just told them was bizarre. But he didn't dare question his eyes, "I'm just letting you guys what I saw." he added.

Another wave of stillness washed across them, now feeling even more uncomfortable after the talk about Harry's parents. Noticing the nervousness around them, Harry softly mumbles, "Sorry, I didn't mean to make both of you feel awkward."

"Don't worry about it, Harry." Aine says to him, "Thanks, Aine." he replies, giving out a relieved smile.

Hermione then jumped up, causing both Aine and Harry to do so too, "Here we come," Aine murmurs, taking a deep breath as their past selves slowly erupted from the tunnel, their attention spotting sight of Peter Pettigrew, Ron's little sneaky rat. "Can we kill him now?" Aine asks instead of Harry and Hermione sighed, "No, if we do it, we're changing what will happen in the future and our current now will be our past."

"Wha—?" Aine asks, confused.

"In short, just don't do it, is what she meant, Aine." Harry translated for her and the girl drops her head, "Oh, alright." she says sadly, but her eyes were still glaring at the Pettigrew. 

Harry suddenly started smiling, then looking to his friends, "You see Sirius talking to me over there?"

"Yeah." "Mmhm."

He looked down, and his little curl on his lips was genuine, "He's asking me to come to live with him," he tells them, and the girls beamed,  "That's great!" Hermione replies, her eyes softening, "I'm happy for you, Harry. I really do." Aine grins. If Harry really could do that, it'll be such a great thing, to finally live with someone who appreciates him, who he can share his thoughts with, and ultimately be free from his verbally abusive aunt and uncle. 

"When we free him... I'll never have to go back to the Dursleys'. It'll just be me and him! We could live in the country... Someplace you can see the sky— He'll like that after all those years in Azkaban, I think." Harry rejoiced, his eyes filled with so much excitement and anticipation. He held an expression Aine and Hermione never saw him wore before and it made them happy too.

Just then, the skies grew cold, and the moonlight showered down onto Hogwarts. "Harry!" they heard past Hermione shouted for her friend. And soon enough, the painful shrieking cries from Lupin echoed through the night, and they had to rewatch the transformation once more.

Hermione winces at the sight of their professor, as his ears elongate, and as his mouth grew a snout, and the howl that came after. "That looks painful," she commented and Harry and Aine nodded.



Sirius Black's orders gave all three of them chills, as he tackles Lupin, taking off to a nasty dog fight. Every second they watch the two beasts fighting was no time to waste, "Let's go!" Harry exclaimed, watching as they ran after Black and Lupin who got carried away by their clashing claws before stopping abruptly.

Past Harry threw a rock at the Werewolf who cringes, before turning around, his angry fangs baring at the boy. "You really think that was gonna work?" Aine whispers to him. 

"I couldn't think of anything else!" Harry replies as he held an exasperated look on his face. "Oh no—" he gulps, watching his past self slowly backing backwards as Lupin stomps towards him. But before he could do anything—


"What are you doing!" Harry hushes the girl next to him, "Saving your life!" Hermione replies, brushing him off, she covers her mouth with her hands, "AWOOOOOO—" she imitated a howl again, causing the Werewolf to cease his attack, and turning his attention to where the howl came from.

UNVEIL | D.M (UNRAVEL BOOK 2)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें