Y/N: Swordsman always want to rely on themselves believing they don't need anyone which is where they usually fall apart with a well timed arrow, or long distance spear. And under most cases are broody edge lords.

Ren: I am no edge lord

Everyone: 'Liar'

Y/N: finally...need I saw anything about bow man lack of close quarter combat training, always far sighted not caring for what's around them, distorted sense of justice so on so forth.

Itsuki stayed quiet sulking.

Y/N: Shields despite not having  true melee prowess with the right training can easily take down anyone and with the right party can be unstoppable.

Naofumi: Thank you my friend.

They both fist bump and everyone goes to sleep. Next day it was time to get our partners everyone got one except Naofumi and Y/N.

Naofumi: Um king we don't have anyone.

King: Oh my that's not good would anyone like to join them.

A red head raises her hand.

Y/N: Nahhhhh we are good I know that we aren't suppose to work together BUT there isn't anything stopping from walking the same path together . So we will take our money and head out.

The king grants them the amount needed and everyone leaves. The two heros head to a blacksmith shop.

???: Hi there my name is Erhard how may I help you.

Y/N: I'm Y/N and this is Naofumi he needs some armor.

Naofumi: What about you?

Y/N: Oh I've already got some i'll show you later.

Naofumi gets some armor and we both head out to an open field.


As he says that a red glow surrounds him as he appears in a new outfit.

As he says that a red glow surrounds him as he appears in a new outfit

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Naofumi: No way bro you look so cool.

Y/N: I knowwww bro and it even comes with knowledge of blacksmithing, and I have fire resistance and uses fire magic this is awesome.

They both start getting fighting balloons Y/N uses a sword and fire magic. Naofumi used his fists but is highly unsatisfied by the amount of exp he is getting but he gets over it. Later in the day the boys decided to sleep at a restaurant Y/N being suspicious rigged a booby trap at the door to knock anyone off the balcony and leaves a sign. " please knock before entering or risk pain and suffering".The next morning everyone heres screaming and wakes up and sees a man holding his jewels.

Y/N: Oh Motoyasu did you not read my sign? Why are you barging into our room?

Motoyasu: N...naofumi raped myne.

Y/N: That is very unlikely...jesus you look like you're in pain thank god I went with a log then one of my swords or well you'd be without a sword.

Y/N Helps him up and wakes up Naofumi who is shown tied up in a bed.

Moto: Why is he tied up?

Y/N: Oh yeah well he sleep walks and to risk him not falling into my traps I tie him up to ensure safety and since he is a hero with extra strength a special made these chains to ensure he stays* Unlocks him and gives chain to Motoyasu*  try to break it.

Moto tries to break it even with the spear but it's impossible.

Moto: Then how the hell did he rape Myne?

Y/N: He didn't like I told you. But fine we will entertain it. Let's go Naofumi.

They enter in as a red haired woman crying near the king.


King: How dare you do this to this poor defenseless girl.

Naofumi: But I didn't I was with Y/N the entire night tied up do to my sleep walking problem.

Moto: Yeahhh I checked the stuff he was tied up in they are very strong and hard to break.

King: I DO NOT CARE I DO NOT BELIEVE HIM... since I can not kill a hero I want him gone out of my sight.

Y/N: Oh trust me we will be gone the both of us come on Naofumi.

Y/N drags him out kicking and screaming as the both walk away they meet a short man in a purple coat.

 ???: Hello sir heros I take it you are looking for some assistance I can help you.

He then smiles devilishly as both heros follow him.

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