Flower Blossom

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"The core material for gunpowder, sulfur!!", the genius exclaimed as he used his pickaxe on the hot spring and grabbed a hand-full of sulfur powder and chunks.

"Kukuku~ At last, we have our ultimate weapon against Tsukasa. The birth of black powder!!", Senku smirked with confidence.

The next day, as Taiju told Yuzuhira the day when Senku and he alone were survived, and when they used the miracle fluid to revive the strongest primate high-schooler, Shishio Tsukasa, who turned out to have a different idea of creating a new world as he went killing people that turned to stone,

"Kukuku~ And that's why we've come all the way here. I've collected the three materials to make gunpowder. All we have to do now is mix them together.", Senku stated confidently while holding a bag of sulfur they've collected, charcoals, and potassium nitrate, also slight dash of grape sugar.

After mixing and planning to finish it off by pounding it, Taiju held up a boulder volunteering to do the physical work.

Yuzuhira stopped him as she thought that it would cause an explosion, but Senku butted in, telling that it wouldn't unless they had iron mixed in.

But he was somewhat wrong because with Taiju's strength, it incredibly caused some sparks on the black gunpowder, resulting an explosion.

Something cracked nearby, as well.

Their black gunpowder was a huge success, but Yuzuhira and Taiju were afraid to accept whether Senku was really going to plan to use this to attack Tsukasa.

"No. I'm going to make a deal.", Senku lowly said, explaining that Tsukasa wasn't just murderous demon that couldn't be reasoned with.

The two felt relieved to hear that, however, their genius friend was still thinking for precautions, knowing deep down, it was possible that negotiation with Tsukasa would break down.

'If it comes to that then I'll have no choice but to kill him...'

As they were trying to put out the smoke from the explosion earlier, Yuzuhira caught something at the forest and called her friends, which makes them surprised to see.

"Smoke signals!!"

"Is it Tsukasa?!"

"No, it's from the opposite direction."

"A mountain fire?!"

"The timing would be too coincidental. It's clearly been raised in our response to our fire here.", Senku walked forward at the cliff with his hands on his waist.

"Now this is really getting me excited. In this stone world...someone other than us exists...!!"

Senku was now in dilemma, even knowing the logical thing to do, he still couldn't choose both in his mind, safety or the future.

"What do we do, Senku?! Should I put it out or burn it brighter?!", Taiju panicked, while Senku had no choice but to feel the great pressure.

"Send a smoke signal!!", without hesitation, they planned to give a sign, Taiju and Yuzuhira ran to gather some wood.

The two went different direction, while Yuzuhira took turn, she saw a familiar face but still petrified.

"No way...she's here?", she somewhat forgot her objective as she walked closer to a petrified person, and her finger touched its cheek.

Without notice, Yuzuhira heard a sudden crack on the petrified person, "Oh no! I broke her!", making her squealed in anxious.

However, she began to notice the crack forming on its face and the stone fragments fell little by little.

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