chapter 5

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i open the door and greet Kayla then invite her in, this is it in a few hours she will be my girlfriend, she walks over my mum and hugs her "thank you for having me miss Horan" she says and hands mum a box of choclates. "so should we do presents" i ask "yes, then we can have dinner it's almost ready" i smile we all gather into the living room Kayla and i sit on the floor while mum and dad sit on the couch "ok Niall that present there is for you and the one next to it is for Kayla" mum annoucese "oh you didnt have to get me anything" Kayla says "we wanted to" i hand Kayla her present while i start opening mine "the hunger games books thanks mum and dad" i say cheerfully we all proceed to open presents until the only one left is mine to Kayla which is up stairs "well i'll go check on dinner" mum says standing up "um Kayla i have soething to show you in my room come" i say standing and holding my hand out for her she takes it and i lead her to my room she sits on my bed. i grab the small box with the necklace in it and sit next to her "so Kayla i think it's time" i open the box and say "will you be my girlfriend?" she smiles at me "yes i wil Nialler thank you" i take the necklace from the box and put it on her "Niall it's amazing thank you so much" she gushes kissing my cheek. "come on lets go dinner is ready" i smile taking her hand in mine.

(sorry it's short)

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