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ion think yall really know the extent in which my hatred for uraraka goes. i may right like any other bitch but lemme tell yall one day imma write a fic that conspires against her in such a incomprehendable, foul, dirty, disgusting way. I will truly unleash my hatred for uraraka. 

while i have no real reason to hate her you will possibly receive a fic that would put you in my shoes and turn you against her and absolutely drag her name through pure filth. i have the litericy skills to do so just not the motivation. she just make wanna write izuku her "love interest"  demolish the shit out her nose. absolutely drag her. honestly my hate for her has no bounds and I am in love with fics that unadulteratedly bash her. i adore fics that make her suffer, make her heart broken. make her go through pain. truly i hate euraraka.

no reason for this one i was just kinda mad and she annoys me. :/

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