Chapter 18: Redamancy

Start from the beginning

The next people to come over and congratulated me was the trio of lovers. "(N/n)!", grinned Karl as he hugged me. I laughed and was engulfed by the other two who joined the hug. They all excitedly told me about their wedding that would happen soon. "Also, we all decided to build a resort of sorts in the middle of the country.", grinned Quackity. I raised an eyebrow and questioned it, he explained that he wanted to build his own kingdom for a while for the three of them. "Just don't cause trouble.", I smirked before poking his cheek. He whined but was removed by Sapnap who handed me their gift. "We hope you like it.", smiled Sapnap. Karl chimed in and told me that they had all hand-made it for me. I opened the box and smiled at the beautiful bow that rested inside. There were nine colored arrows inside, Sapnap told me it was best to try it out when I was outside in the training grounds. My arms and wings wrapped around the trio before thanking them again. They all chimed in unison a 'You're welcome!' before I sent them off to go dance.

My next pair of guests were George along with Dream, both congratulated me before joking about my next child. "I think it'll be a while before that.", I smirked. George handed me a small chest and I thanked him. As I opened it, the sweetest and most comforting scent invaded my senses. I looked inside to see bottles of potions and herbs that I had never seen. "I-I hope you like them, potions are hard to come by so Dream made these for you all and I placed some herbs that I personally grew.", smiled George. Dream nodded before removing his mask, he gave George a playful push before reminding him that he needed to hug me. "Thank you both!", I smiled and hugged both men. When Eret arrived after them he hugged me and kissed my cheek. "I hope you both have a long and prosperous marriage.", he smiled. He handed me a box that we opened together to reveal a beautiful golden-colored dress. "It's one of my bests works and I know you'll look stunning in it.", winked Eret. I laughed and thanked him before I sent him off to party with the rest.

After greeting everyone, I sat on the throne next to Techno. We smiled as we watched everyone dance around and laughing as they enjoyed themselves. "May I have the honor of dancing with the Queen?", teased Techno as the music changed. I smirked and rolled my eyes before taking his hand, we danced slowly and enjoyed ourselves. Once the song was over, everyone began clapping and I noticed we were in the middle of a circle. "When did they move?", I blushed. Techno laughed and teased me for not paying attention. "I can't help but feel at ease around my husband.", I smirked. Once again, a deep blush spread on Technos face, giving me a sense of accomplishment. "Move aside Techno! It's my turn to dance with my sister.", announced Wilbur. I laughed as he took me and we began to dance. "I'm glad to see you so happy.", said Wilbur. I looked up and saw that he was tearing up a bit. "Awe, Wilby are you okay?", I asked. He nodded and told me that he had something in his eye. I switched with Sally and I began to dance with Philza after the song was over.

"How are you holding up, my dear?", he chuckled. I sighed before worrying about not having enough time to open all of the gifts that were given to us. "You'll have time, don't worry about that too much. Did you meet Foolish?", asked Philza. I nodded and told him that he was quite funny and very kind. "Yes, he claims that he's not a God but he isn't really from this country so there's a possibility he is.", smiled Philza. This piqued my interest in the man from before, I spotted him next to Niki and another woman. "Hopefully we meet again and have a proper talk.", I smiled. Philza nodded and chuckled as he handed me to Kristen. "I thought your father would never let me dance with you.", huffed Kristen as she sent my father off to dance with one of the kids. I giggled and hummed as she placed her hand on my cheek. "I'm so glad to have attended your wedding...", she whispered before hugging me. I hugged her back and swayed in place while everyone danced around us. After a while of dancing around, Ranboo asked to dance with me. "Of course, darling. Dance with your mother.", smiled Kristen.

I danced with Ranboo and asked him if he was having fun. "I am, Mother! Everyone is so nice! Big Brother Dream said he would take all of us cave exploring when we visited Triox!", grinned my son. I smiled and scooped him up, he had grown so much yet he always seemed weightless and small to me. "Of course, my love! We're going to do so many things together before you decide to leave our side and get married.", I joked. Ranboo hugged me, he shook his little head before telling me that he still wanted to be with us after he grew up and got married. "You say that now but we'll see.", said Techno. Ranboo was taken and Techno held him, reminding me that I was still prohibited from stressing my body. "Yes, yes. I know.", I smirked. I knew he was saying that because he planned on stressing my body later himself.

The following days after the wedding, I was bedridden thanks to my beloved husband. He was fully punished by both Philza and Kristen before he was allowed to sleep with me again. "See~! I told you that it wasn't a good idea to continue till the next day.", I teased. Techno mumbled something incoherent into my stomach as I played with his hair. "Didn't catch that, love.", I whispered. He moved slightly to look up at me. "You didn't even try to stop me.", he frowned. I laughed and massaged his cheek. "Listen, I enjoy it too much to stop you.", I mused. Techno sighed before burying his face into my stomach. There was a knock on the door and Ranboo came in. "Mother, I brought you flowers.", he whispered. I patted Techno and he moved, he helped Ranboo with the vase and carried him over. "Will you get out of bed soon?", asked the child. Worry filled his different colored eyes, I smiled before reassuring him that I was fine.

"The doctor said I just need to stay in bed a few days but your grandparents are being troublesome.", I winked. Ranboo giggled before he asked to lay next to me, Techno chuckled and helped him remove his boots before putting him in bed. I laid down and covered him in the warm sheets. My hand caressed his cold cheek and my son closed his eyes happily. "Sleep, baby...", I whispered and patted his back. Techno whispered that he would be back and I nodded before I heard our door close. I hummed as Ranboos soft snoring was heard and something caught my eye. A thin box laid on top of my nightstand, I reached over to have a closer look at the box. I had opened all of the wedding gifts so there wasn't any reason for that box to be there. "Techno didn't bring this in... Mark didn't either since he and Father confirmed that everything was put away...", I mumbled to myself.

As I opened the box, I saw a clear gem inside. I frowned before as I unfolded the note inside.

I heard you wanted to find out what happened to your village. I hope this helps you, (Y/n)...

- Best wishes, :)

I clicked my tongue before throwing away the note, I grabbed the gem and was about to throw it away as well when another splitting headache made me lurch. I moved away from Ranboo and suddenly the voices began to scream at me to let go of the gem. They ceased and I looked at the gem, it was cracked and bright red.

"█ █ █ █ █ █ █ █ █" 

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