003 : at all costs

Start from the beginning

max noticed her sudden
change in emotion, searching for
what caused it.

"woah, what's going
on there?" he smirked. she waved
off his question, "don't even
get me started"

she continued to sip
the drink, widening her eyes
when she could see that
audrey was pulling aki toward her
& max.

"rima! i totally take
back what i said, you really
make this look good"

karima smiled at her

"thank you audge,
you look stunning as

a genuine smile this

"all you, right aki?" audrey
asked, turning to the brownskin

that's when karima's smile

a little bit of her got
a little scared thinking that he
had told audrey about their
fling, but if he did they probably would
not have been together now.

which is something
karima would not oppose

still, she could tell that
audrey was looking her straight
in the eyes.

"i mean she looks like that
all the time, so if you're asking me
if she looks cute all the time-"

"lordy, lordy, lordy" the girl
sighed, downing the rest of her drink. she walked away from the blabbering
boy, taking a seat on the couch next to her sister.

audrey, aki, & max joined them
a short while.

"it is typical for you to be
so trusting and open. that's why
people follow you, they
think that they know you & they
feel entitled to your life, which
they aren't-"

"zoya's not some crazy
stalker audge, she's her sister"
mirlandé interrupted.

the group eyed her down,
starting to get captivated with this

"she's a semi stranger who has, by
some fortuitous coincidence, found yourself at your school, in your friend group-"

their eyes turned toward
the elevator,

"..with your boyfriend?"

the group watched as
obi & zoya stepped out of the

"i'm gonna get us another
round, we're gonna need it" audrey
sighed, leaving the group.

obi passed zoya
a pin, saying a few words to

"obi, you finally made it! everything's
so boring without you!" mirlandé playfully
groaned, embracing her older brother.

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