I go to the living room and I see  my friends smirking at me

"What?!" I say suspiciously

"Nothing.... Just the fact that you are already head over heels for that girl" Zoe says laughing

I feel my cheeks heat up
"SHUT UP ZOE, you know I am not" I say crossing my arms in front of me

"Oh sure Billie, I have never seen you SO sweet with a visitor. You dont let anyone stay here let alone SLEEP, and well I can see that smile" Zoe says shrugging while Drew nods.

"Well that's the because I didn't want a girl sleeping on the street ZOE" I say defensively

Drew laughs not believing me
"I mean yeah I might find her attractive BUT THAT'S IT." I say putting my hands up in defense

I think

"Also the fact that she hasn't recognized
Me just makes is better" I say

"Yeah I don't know how, ur legit everywhere at this point. " Drew says laughing

"Y/n cAn I gEt yOu My hOoDiE"

"Oh y/N yOu CaN sTaY hErE"

Drew mocks me
I roll my eyes and shush her
Before I see y/n awkwardly walking towards us
We all immediately laugh at the fact that y/n is legit DROWNING in the hoodie

Y/n laughs at the fact that her tiny arms aren't even no where close to the arms on this hoodie

She looks so fucking cute in it tho

I pat the empty place on the couch beside me indicating for her to sit down

She sits down

"Poor girl can't even see In this hoodie properly, billie" Zoe laughs

"Yeah but at least she looks cute in it" I roll my eyes

Shit that wasn't supposed to come out
Oh well

I look down and I see a blush spread across y/n's freckled cheek

So cute

"So y/n tell us something about you" Drew says

She sighs before speaking
"Well I don't think there is much to know, I live alone in sunny side, I am in high school. I don't have many friends that live here so school is pretty shit pretty much just gets bullied there but other then that overall a pretty boring life" she says

So she goes to school
It sucks that she gets bullied tho

"Wait you get bullied? That actually happens in highschool?"
Zoe says

Y/n laughs
"Yeah trust me I was surprised to, I mostly get bullied cuz my parents they were awful so they were arrested like 4 years ago. That of course got every where so now I am the girl with arrested parents" she says chuckling

Oh shit thats actually really sad

"Oh I am so sorry" we all say sympathetically


"Nah it's all good, I mean it better having no parents then having abusive ones" she says smiling

"Wait what abusive? Did they- yk? If you don't mind me asking" Zoe says

I give Zoe a glare
"You don't have to answer that I am sorry" I say apologizing for Zoe

"No no it's okay, yeah they both used to pretty badly, both verbal and physical . They were arrested for that and cuz they were pedophiles, the day that they got arrested the police found a lot of weird things on there computer" She says

"I am so sorry, how did you get through that" I say hugging her softly

She smiles
"Well that was years ago, I was depressed for a good year with bullying and all but then one day I just thought to my self that it's better to leave the past behind and live the present and make a good future for my self cuz I deserve that so I started working Full time to pay the bills, and actually started studying and working hard for my self and well I am a lot happier and independent" she says smiling proudly

I smile widely so does Zoe and Drew

"That's amazing y/n" I say
Both my friends nod in agreement

"So how are YOU this Rich" she says laughing looking around

We all burst into laughter
Well I guess that she doesn't recognize me

"Well y/n, you really don't know who I am?" I say laughing

She looks at me confused
"What do you mean? " she says

"Okay search up Billie ellish on google" drew says laughing

She gets her phone from the charger and searches up

Her jaw drops
"Oh my god ur the singer of legit my favourite songs what the fuck?!?!" She says shocked

We all are legit laughing our asses of right now

"Oooo which ones are ur favourite" I say

"Definitely lovely, I love you, listen before I go and everything I wanted"  she says

"Your album was just WOW" she says still shocked

I smile "glad you liked it mamas"

I see a faint blush across her cheeks
"I don't even know how I didn't recognize your voice I thought u sounded familiar, I guess the cold is really getting to me" she says laughing cutely.

Time skip
We all have  been talking and having fun for a while, we odered pizza and she told us more about her self and what she liked
We all have common intrests and got along pretty well
Also I am pretty sure I am in love
Did I say that?
We all our going to bed now since I can see that she is getting tired

"Have sweet dream Y/n and Billie" Zoe and drew say before going in their bedrooms

"Goodnight Billie, thank you again" she says smiling

"Of course y/n it was my pleasure, pretty sure Zoe and Drew pretty much love you already" I say smiling widely

"Well I am glad cuz I love them" she says before going in her room and waving bye one more time

How cute.

Okay so I'll make a part 2 of this don't worry.
My thumb hurts rn wow this was a big ass chapter
Also I was thinking of making a book but then I realized that I will probably not update it for days like I do this book and I don't wanna leave y'all hanging like that, so maybe later.
Anyways I'll make a part 2 later

Love y'all besties so excited for the album AHHHHHHH
Definitely claim oxytocin, male fantasy and Billie bossa nova


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