Chapter One

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The call came at 2:49 in the morning. I picked up the phone saying her name like I always do. Except this time she wasn’t the one who responded. Her mom told me they were in the hospital. Her lungs were filled with liquid again. I jumped out of my bed and took the keys. I drove there so fast it’s a miracle I didn’t get stopped. When I got there I saw Hazel’s mom sitting in the waiting room; she was crying. I ran towards her.

            “ God please tell me she’s okay. Please. Please.” I watched as more tears streamed down her face.

            “She’s still alive Gus but-“ her voice cracked but she cleared her throat and said,     

            “ They’re taking out the liquid from her lungs but the tumor’s bigger. And it’s spreading through her body.” A sob escaped her mouth as soon as she said it. I looked at the floor, not wanting to let the reality of what she said sink in. Hazel Grace was dying. I didn’t let myself cry. Not yet. I refused to believe that my Hazel Grace was going to die.

            “ Can I- Can I see her?” I asked. Mrs. Lancaster looked at me sadly and said,

            “ I’m sorry Gus, but I can tell her you were here okay?” I told her the word that I had been repeating for months now; except with a different person.

            “Okay.” But there was no way that I was just going to sit there. I waited until Mrs. Lancaster left the room. I went to the woman at the desk and asked,

            “ Excuse me do you know where I can find Hazel Grace Lancaster?” she looked up Hazel’s name on her computer and told me the room number. I thanked her and started walking. Whenever somebody asked what I was doing, I just answered that I was visiting my brother. They would meet my eyes with sympathetic looks and let me keep on walking. When I finally reached her door I pushed it open slowly and was met by the sound of the steady beeping of the heart monitor. I walked to the opposite side of the room and quietly pulled aside the curtain. There with her eyes closed and what seemed like dozens of tubes connected to her, was my Hazel Grace. I walked over to her right side and grabbed her hand in mine. Still warm. Her hands were still warm. I looked at the chipped blue-black nail polish that she always had on. I examined her face and realized, what if I never got to see her eyes again? Those beautiful green eyes. I need to see her roll her eyes at me and tell me one of her smart sarcastic comments. I need my Hazel Grace.

            “ Hazel Grace Lancaster. Don’t leave me now. Please Hazel I’m begging you.” I felt a single tear slide down my cheek. I knew I didn’t have much time left so I let go of her hand and kissed her forehead. For a moment I thought I saw her eyelids flutter. I looked at her one last time and slipped out the door.

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