Part 2 : The Kiss

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Iwaizumi seemed to be avoiding him for the rest of that day, and Oikawa was mad about it.

He needed someone to practice kissing. If his date with Sugawara went anything like how he planned, then he wanted to end the day with a mesmerising kiss that left Sugawara wanting more of Tooru Oikawa. But in order to pull that off, he needed to work out how to kiss. 

At first, the reason he wanted that person to be Iwaizumi was simply because he had been there at the time and he'd said he'd help Oikawa with anything. But from the way he reacted to the proposal, Oikawa just wanted it to be him so he could see him flustered and embarrassed again. 

Maybe that was cruel, but it was a very rare sight. Normally, Iwaizumi was the stoic one, rarely showing any emotion other than anger or satisfaction when Oikawa messed up. This was his revenge for all those times. 

He figured he'd find some way to ambush Iwaizumi, or trick him into kissing him. Heck, even annoying the crap out of him until he gave in would work - he had three weeks until the Hogsmeade trip. He silently cursed Sugawara for asking so early in advance, but at least it hadn't been sprung on him at the last second. 

Snagging some 'alone time' with the Gryffindor proved to be rather difficult however; between Quidditch practice, prefect duties and studying for three different NEWTs, Oikawa barely had time to come up with a plan, let alone execute it. 

The most he saw of Iwaizumi was in their classes together, but he figured Iwaizumi would probably kill him if he pounced on him in front of everyone. Besides, Iwaizumi would become way too embarrassed if everyone saw - Oikawa wanted to make him flustered, but he wasn't completely heartless - not to mention he couldn't risk Sugawara seeing. 

No, he'd have to corner Iwaizumi when he was alone. And that's why he ended up hanging around the entrance to the Gryffindor common room whenever he had the chance. Iwaizumi normally spent his lunchtimes in the Great Hall at the Gryffindor table, but Oikawa also knew that he often spent free time in his common room when he couldn't hang out with Oikawa. 

The Slytherin himself would normally sit in the library during lunch and his sparse free periods, cramming in as much studying as he could - choosing three NEWTs perhaps hadn't been his smartest move - but he could sacrifice a comfortable chair and a table to master the perfect kiss for Sugawara. 

If any Gryffindors gave him strange looks, he just smiled, and whenever they asked him why he was there, he just shrugged and said he was waiting for Iwaizumi. It wasn't exactly a lie and it wasn't suspicious as the two were best friends. 

It took about a week for him to finally catch Iwaizumi, but then it finally happened. 

The corridor was completely quiet; the last students Oikawa had seen were a group of girls leaving the common room around ten minutes ago, a couple minutes after he'd arrived. He was sitting against the wall, frowning over a Divination text-book, trying to wrap his head around all the different tea-leaf readings, when he heard the painting of the fat lady swinging open and footsteps behind him. 

They stopped and Oikawa looked up, heart skipping a beat in excitement as he saw Iwaizumi standing there with his arms crossed. 

"So, the rumours are true. You really have been sitting outside the Gryffindor common room this past week." 

Oikawa didn't even bother denying the claim, he was too busy stuffing his text-book into his bag and subtly checking that the coast was still clear. 

Satisfied that it was, Oikawa sprang to his feet. Iwaizumi hadn't moved, nor did he say another word. Apparently he was waiting for Oikawa to speak, but the latter intended on doing much more than that. 

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