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(A/N) No way. An update? Couldn't be possible. 10 votes and I'll try a third chapter

"I'm sorry. Ninth Configuration?"  Blinky questioned stepping forward. "What is this exactly?"

Jim let out a sigh thinking back to his cherished friends and loved ones, even the  ones that never made it to the final battle in his thoughts. "The ninth configuration is the name given to the nine peop- beings who were at the final showdown between good and evil: The Guardians of Arcadia vs The Arcane Order. But we lost many good friends and allies in the process, so many that they should all get to be apart of the powerful configuration that makes up Arcadia's protectors. I think that's what I need to make right."

"Oh, I see now." Blinky began. "we just need to locate 'The Guardians of Arcadia.'  Do you have any leads as to where they would be situated?"

Jim grinned and clapped his hands together. "There's good news and bad news. The good news is that four stand here, a wizard works downtown and some others can be found around town too. The bad news is that our extra terrestrial allies don't arrive for another few months in response to a coup on Akiridion-5 and Claire, a brilliant sorceress, doesn't get her magic until 

"Woah there Jimbo." Toby exclaimed. "Firstly, where is this Akiridion-5? (That's a cool name) Is that in Europe or what?"

Jim released a brief chuckle. "It's a planet really far from here."

"Wait, so aliens do exist?"

"Yes but don't call them that because they find it offensive" Jim pointed out to him to an excited Toby.

"Awesome-sauce!" he squealed. "But enough of that." Toby slapped himself lightly. "You mentioned 'Claire,' is this long-term secret crush Claire?!" he screamed.

Jim grinned triumphantly in response. "You mean long-term secret crush turned girlfriend Claire?"

Toby began fangirling out and screaming like a girl. "What! When did this happen?! How did you do it? Are you dating now? Let's call her."

Jim cringed and contorted his face into an awkward show of his teeth. "Yeah, no. I don't think she knew my name before today. The play and troll problems helped us grow closer, let the relationship marinate Tobes."

Blinky raised a hang. "You mentioned this Claire you have a liking to possessing some form of witchcraft. I am guessing she is human so how does this even happen?"

Jim hummed in thought- he didn't really understand how either. "I think it had something to do with The Shadow Staff's influence because she doesn't show signs of magic until after stopping Gunmar. and imprisoning Morgana"

Blinky and AAARRRGGHH!!!'s eyes lit up at the mention of Gunmar's defeat and shared a brief glance of hope. But then the realisation kicked in and Blinky gasped.

 "Morgana? Mistress of Evil!? She is been freed?!" the troll shivered slight fear.

"Relax Blinky, she won't physically return with me here. But in the original timeline, she possessed someone before her freedom but was stopped by Claire," Jim explained quickly to relieve the worry.

He purposely kept Claire's name out of comparison with Morgana and made her heroism notable.

He knows that he will have to find a way to get Claire involved at some point, without endangering her as much as last time. Her nearly dying from opening a massive shadow portal and various troll related attacks shouldn't be happening anytime soon.

Without her, they barely would have been able to save the world or have a chance at stopping the titans but despite that, he needed her. To get her magic back however, would be a struggle; they would need the shadow staff and to get the shadow staff, you need to find Angor Rot.

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