Chapter 2

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Passionis is at the beach for their catalog shoot. 'You can bring this to them' says Momo to an employee. Ronnie is taking the pictures. 'YAH GIRL PUT THESE AWAY' he screams to an employee. 'A little faster guys' says Momo. 'SHUT UP DON'T DO THAT' says Ronnie while getting mad at another employee. 'Oh yeah that's nice put that under a pink outfit' says Momo to an employee while looking at a pair of heels. 'Be confident and breath dear' says Ronnie to the model. 'That's pretty, look we can use this pink with those' says Momo. 'Throw this away' says Ronnie while giving his empty bottle. 'Ronnie a bit more colorful' says Momo to Ronnie. 'Pretty... Dear show our brand... I SAID OUR BRAND NOT YOURSELF!' he screams. Hyunjin and Yagmur arrived and are now getting out of the car. 'Yagmur come on' says Hyunjin. 'Put it like that' says Ronnie to an employee who is holding a mirror. Hyunjin is walking towards Ronnie while Yagmur is behind him. 'Ronnie, are the girls tired?' asks Hyunjin. 'Ugh you see everything they will be fine' says Ronnie back. 'This second one here is wrong you have to change the clothes' says Hyunjin while pointing at the model. 'What do you mean wrong?!' says Ronnie. 'Those shoes don't fit with the outfit. Change it' says Hyunjin. Ronnie is massaging his head. 'Yagmur my water' says Hyunjin. 'Huh oh yeah' says Yagmur back. She gets the bottle out of her back but it nearly fell. 'Ooohhh our hero has arrived. Hyunjin save me from this chaos' says Momo while holding Hyunjin's upper body. 'Don't wear those you will fall' says Hyunjin to Momo who is wearing sandals with heels. 'What dear?' she says. 'I said you will fall with those. You can't walk on sand with them' he says. 'You are very thoughtful. What do you want me to wear?' asks Momo. 'Let me think. Maybe something without heels or maybe nothing' says Hyunjin. Yagmur listens to everything he says. 'Hmm smart' says Momo while giggling and clinging to Hyunjin. Yagmur looks at them with a bored look and thinks about what happened between Hyunjin and her this morning. In the morning: Hyunjin trapped Yagmur between him and the door and looks deep in her eyes. 'After getting out of this door, nothing else than work will be on your mind. Understand?' he says. Yagmur nods her head. 'I understand' she says. 'Good, it is going to be a busy day shall we leave now?' he says. Back to present. Everyone hears a car. Chan gets out of the car while he puts his sunglasses on. 'Mr. Chan finally arrived' says Momo. Everyone looks Chan. 'Gutenmorgen, goodmorning, buengiorno, how is it going team' he says in a exciting way. 'WE ARE GREAT!' says Yagmur. Everyone now looks at her. 'I mean the team everyone is working hard' she says. 'Nice, Ronnie... how are you?' he says while kissing Ronnie's hand. 'Dear I'm not good. Say something to your annoying partner, I'm at my best age but my skin is dying from the heath say something to him' says Ronnie to Chan. 'Bro what are you doing he is an artist' says Chan to Hyunjin. Hyunjin looks not interested. Yagmur gets sunscreen out of her bag and gives it to Ronnie. 'You are joking right?' he asks. 'No' she says. 'Ugh put it back' he says. 'Sweetie instead of getting useless thing out of your bag get me something to wear from the caravan without heels, size 43' says Momo to Yagmur. 'Yagmur, change your outfit in something more comfortable. Your shoes too' says Hyunjin. 'Alright Mr. Hyunjin' she says. Yagmur was about to leave but then Ronnie said 'girl leave the sunscreen here. It's something cheap but it doesn't matter let me put this on a little bit.' Yagmur changed her clothes and opened the door of the caravan but she got scared by Chan. 'BOO!' 'AAAH!' 'Haha you know I'm a very technical man. Wait do you know latin dances?' he says. 'Yes' she says back. 'PUT IT ON!' he screams at an employee that is putting music on. He grabs Yagmur's bag and puts it on a table. He grabs Yagmur's hands and starts dancing. Hyunjin sees them from a far. Chan was putting sunscreen on Yagmur's face but then Hyunjin screamed. 'Yagmur!' He signs at Yagmur to come. 'I'm coming Mr. Hyunjin!' she screams back. 'YAGMUR!' he screams again. Hurry hurry boss is getting mad' says Chan to Yagmur who is running to Hyunjin. Soyeon and Doyoung are in the car looking at Yagmur what she is doing from a far with a binoculars. 'Ugh we made so many plans. She is stupid I guess' says Soyeon. 'The girl right?' says Doyoung. 'She is just running around like a headless chicken. We have a lot of work to do with her' she says. 'Soyeon give the binoculars' he says. 'There is no grace. I mean look at Momo and look at our fool' she says. 'What can she do Soyeon she is just doing her work. She is an assistant' he says while he is looking at the models instead of Yagmur with the binoculars. 'Ugh Doyoung did we pay her to be an assistant' she says. 'But I mean we let her have this assistant job right?' he says. 'We let her have this job to make Hyunjin fall in love with her. Not to scare him away' she says. 'Soyeon shall we do something about it from a closer distance?' he asks. 'Oh no when she sees us she will mess up. Ugh I'm stressed I feel it from the top of my head. Give me the binoculars' she says. Doyoung who is still looking at the models didn't hear Soyeon talking. 'DOYOUNG! Give it to me' she screams in his ear.

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