Chapter 4: Rimuru fights Dwargon

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Here is what happened after lining up in the Dwargon's entrance

1. Some old dudes accosted me

2. I got pissed off just a little

3. I kinda beat them—just a little

Not my fault right? That's what I thought while glancing at the soldier who arrested me. He has a majestic long bushy beard befitting of a Dwarf and a wide friendly smile If I could say something hindering his attractiveness it was the unfortunate veins popping from his head.

"Now let's see what you got to say for yourself? my superior was scolding me because of you—"

"I got solicited what could I do"

The blame everyone else technique.

The soldier I was referring to was Kaijin's younger brother Kaidou. He was somewhat powerful in the Dwargon after all with his abilities alone he rose to the rankings of guards in the most prominent military country Dwargon— according to Ciel Kaidou immediately went on the scene after detecting the commotion. I tried explaining everything to him but— he just couldn't believe my story it became a debate we talked about for a while— he just couldn't believe a slime, a species that's not even considered a monster caused such commotion. According to him, his superiors were in entropy.

After the intense argument— he finalizes my verdict, the report he will file is somewhat similar to a novel— a powerful wizard girl cursed by an evil demon lord to be slime it is said that I refused to be a demon lord subordinate then the demon lord transformed me into a slime. It was something you usually see in novels.

Well, he is doing his best to plead us innocent so I did not pursue it any further.


"S-sir! an Armosaurus appeared on the mines!"

"W-what did you defeat it?"

"We are already fine— a suppression force was already coming on the field but some of us are deeply injured"

Well, I don't really care but those guys will be my future workers— Garm, Myrd, Dord despite their playful demeanor those guys are the best craftsman in the Dwargon— I need them.


"W-what is this?" 

"It's a potion of healing."

Not even studying the item Kaido immediately attempted to move—he was obstructed by his underlings.

"Captain are you sure trusting a monster?!"

"That doesn't matter right now, right?— Rub it on the wounds or drink it doesn't matter both method will work"

"B-but captain that is a monster!"

"Enough! just shut up and take me to the injured"

—"And you, Slime— Stay here, I owe  you one— I am grateful"

Kaidou dashes away with his back against me. I am completely enthralled with his integrity— this man deserves all of the honor in the world.

It took him half a day just to make it to the mine and get back to us— well better just sleep in this prison, to be fair— it's better here compared to the current Tempest and the jail system was gracious enough to give the detainees stable food. After sleeping for the prison for 1 night my new day has started with Kaidou introducing who I just saved and as last time it's the Garm brothers.

"Thank you... Sir"

"Thanks a ton"

"Man those potions are effective I thought I wouldn't be able to work anymore... my whole arm was completely torn... Thank you!"

Rimuru's Restart: That Time I Travelled Back in TimeTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang