!Happy Birthday!

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"Hello" mumbled Ray," Good Morning Ray," said Normen" Hi Normen" mumbled Ray once again" So Ray The group wanted to know if you wanted to hang out down in LA?" asked Normen" Uhm, Sure," said Ray" Good! I'll pick you up in an hour" Said Normen" Okay, bye" said Ray hanging up" I haven't even had coffee yet..." mumbled Ray" Ehh since Emma is coming I'm sure we'll stop by Starbucks" said Ray walking to his closet"

" mumbled Ray" Ehh since Emma is coming I'm sure we'll stop by Starbucks" said Ray walking to his closet"

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"Ray!" Yelled Normen Waiting in the driveway" coming!" yelled Ray back" AH!" Yelled Ray tripping down the steps" Ray!" yelled Normen jumping out of the car" I'm okay, don't worry" said Ray dusting himself off" Okay...I figured you didn't have coffee yet so we bought some" said Normen opening the door for Ray" That's gay" said Don and Nat in the back" shut the fuck up don!" Yelled Emma" Meow," mumbled a small cat" Look!!" Yelled Gilda" Shh, your gonna scare it away" whispered Ray" Ill be right back," said Ray getting out of the car" R-Ray your allergic to cats," said Normen" ill--*sneeze* i-ill be fi-*sneeze*f-fine" huffed Ray" Let me help" Said Normen picking the cat up" Oh Its Mr.Luscas's Cat!," said Normen looking at the cooler" The librarian?" asked Ray" Yeah," said Normen"

                               After dropping the cat Off

"Bye Mr.Lucas!" Yelled Normen Running off to the car" Bye" said Lucas" So where are we going?" asked Ray" To LA" Said Emma" Were?" said Ray" that's a secret" said Normen" Meanie" mumbled Ray taking out his Nintendo" Watcha Playing?" asked Emma" Animale Crossing" said Ray" I brought an extra Emma here" Said Ray Handing Emma the 2nd from his bag" Thanks!" Said Emma" Yeah, Yeah"

                                           At The secret Spot

" Okay Ray open!" Yelled Normen" Wow," said Ray Looking around in shock," My, Ex-Girlfriend and I would come here," said Normen" I guess I know why," said Ray sitting on the swing" Where's Emma and everyone else?" asked Ray" Oh they went Shopping," said Normen" mhn" hummed Ray"

" Okay Ray open!" Yelled Normen" Wow," said Ray Looking around in shock," My, Ex-Girlfriend and I would come here," said Normen" I guess I know why," said Ray sitting on the swing" Where's Emma and everyone else?" asked Ray" Oh they went Shopping,...

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