When I'm 64...

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A/N -  This takes place in 2013 and is a romantic Maylor story. In this universe they do have all their children and Brian and Roger are recognized by them all as a couple.

June 2013

"Are you doing anything for your birthday?" Felix asked his father as they spoke on the phone. Roger hated the reminder of his impending birthday and sighed.

"I'd prefer not to have one at all if that's possible..." he replied. "When you get to my age you kind of wish they'd stop!" he confessed. Both of them chuckled at his remark.

"Oh come on Pops..." Felix pointed out. "You only turn 64 once!" his son reminded him.

"I'd be chuffed if I stayed 63 forever..." Roger countered. "So I'm telling you now I'm skipping any birthday celebrations this year..." he stated firmly.

"Alright then..." Felix said with a sense of surrender. "I'll honor your request but good luck with that regarding Brian..." Roger rolled his eyes. He knew even if he asked his husband to skip his birthday he wouldn't be able to do it. He always made a fuss and bought him something extravagant. He would have to make sure there was nothing planned or purchased.

Roger found Brian digging through a box of photographs in his study. He walked up and kicked his husband gently in the bum with his foot as Brian knelt on his knees looking for something in the box on the floor.

"You're not supposed to be on your bad knee like that..." Roger informed him as Brian looked up at him. Roger held out his hand to assist him in climbing up from his position on the floor. Brian took the offered hand and let Roger pull him up as he righted himself on his feet. The discomfort in Brian's knee was evident as he reached down to rub at it. "See!" Roger said with an accusatory tone.

"Sorry..." Brian mumbled as he limped over to his desk and sat down; still rubbing his aching knee. Roger took a seat on the side of the desk and glanced at the pile of old photos on top of Brian's desk blotter. His husband caught him looking and quickly swept the photos into a folder and out of his view.

"What's all this?" Roger questioned. Brian was coy as he opened a drawer and placed the folder inside and closed it.

"Never you mind..." Brian remarked as he leaned over and closed a notebook on the desk. Roger realized Brian was up to something and knew it had to be birthday related. It was a month away and his suspicious behavior meant he was planning something.

"Alright!" Roger declared as he crossed his arms in front of his chest and scowled at Brian. "If this has anything to do with my birthday I am telling you now to forget it!" he commanded. Brian's face showed guilt and Roger knew he was right.

"Why?" Brian questioned with a somewhat hurt expression.

"Because I'm tired of getting older and I don't want anymore celebrating of my aging!" he advised. Brian pulled his reading glasses off and gave Roger an endearing look.

"It happens to us all Rog..." Brian told him gently. "We should celebrate every year we get to remain on this planet...with the ones we love..." he said with a touch of admonishment. Both men shared a look that they knew brought Freddie into their minds. He was someone who didn't get to mark as many birthdays as he had hoped. But Roger didn't care. He hated getting older right now and wasn't in the mood for a celebration.

"I get your point but my mind is made up!" Roger said with a sense of finality. "We can have a normal meal but I don't want you to get me anything. You or the kids..." he insisted.

"Nothing?" Brian questioned. Roger gave him a firm look.

"Nothing!" he confirmed. "If you get me anything I will be grumpy with the lot of you!" he announced as he got up from his seat and walked out of the room.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 27, 2021 ⏰

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