Man: Hey... Up... there

The man points at them and everyone looks up at them.

Agent: Hey, they're here move in imminently.

Kai's POV

Mona: Good. Now get running!

Crow: This is our only chance!

Oracle: Stay calm! You both can get away now!

Queen: We'll retrieve the briefcase on our end.

Unknown Transmission:... suspects.. not.. confirmed..hold..your.. positions..

Oracle: Hm. What was that?

Mona: Don't worry about us. Just concatenate on getting away!

Joker and I both nod as we headed towards the escape route.

Mona: But I have to say, showing y'all selves above the crowd earlier was an excellent move. Nice work as always Joker and Blackout.

Panther: I bet Skull wouldn't pull it of that easily.

Fox: This happens, because you have no sense for aesthetics.

I chuckled at the comment.

Skull: Nobody asked you inari!

Joker and I continued on, but in the balcony some agents came out through a door, but luckily for us there was another path.

Agent: There they are!

Oracle: Just run! Get out of there!

Noir: Everyone remember where we're meeting up.

Oracle: No worries, I can guide you all.

We got on to another balcony, as we head to the stairs two agents show up. They transformed to looked completely different. One appeared behind us as Joker and I looked and smirked.

Panther: Take 'em done you two.

Joker jumps up and lands on top of them, then rips their mask off. It began to act crazy and transformed into a shadow.

Joker attacks the persona with his blade, which she manage to do alot of damage and I attack with my sword to finish it off.

Oracle: Everyone else get to positions! Use route B! Okay, pull out before their back up gets here.

Mona: Good. You defeated them with ease!

Oracle: More of them! Be careful!

More shadows appear as they attack us, but we dodge them easily as we jump on a pillar onto a higher balcony.

Oracle: Behind y'all! Go through the door!

We go through the door up some stairs into a storage room.

Oracle: You should be able to he out that way! Hurry!

Skull: Dudes, can y'all even hear us!

Oracle: Don't worry. I'm picking up everyone's voices. Just go you two! Hm? Wait a sec!

Me:What is going on?

Oracle: What the-- I'm getting a wierd reading heading y'all's way! C'mon run!

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⏰ Last updated: May 06 ⏰

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