The story of Luca and Nora

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<It's the weekend and Luca is busy in his foodtruck with his employee Lucia, Today they are on a boulevard near the beach, he notices a woman running down the beach and he sees it's Nora, so he asks if Lucia can handle the truck by herself for a while>

Luca: Hey Lucia, can you handle the truck alone for a few minutes?

Lucia: Yes ofcourse sir

Luca: It's Luca, not sir for you ok! I'll be right back ok?

Lucia: Take your time Amigo!

<Luca runs after Nora>

Luca: Heeeeey Nora, Wait up!

<Nora doesn't hear him because she has ear pods in and listening to music while jogging, Luca touches her shoulder to get her attention, but Nora reacts by almost hitting Luca in the face, he ducks away>

Luca: Oh ok wow i didn't see that one coming!

Nora: OMG! I'm so so sorry Luca! OMG!

Luca: It's a good thing i have fast reflexes

<They both laugh>

Nora: What are you doing here? All the out of the city, in the middle of nowhere?

Luca: Well i own a foodtruck and i'm here to serve some delicious mexican food to the people here.

Nora: You own a foodtruck? Wauw a man of many talents <they laugh>

<Luca wants to ask Nora for a little foodtruck date>

Luca: Since you've been running so fast maybe you worked up an appetite, are you interested in some mexican food?

Nora: Well i actually have to go back home to my son again..

Luca: Ok.. i understand.. Maybe next time?

Nora: Yeah maybe, i'll see you later ok? < starts to jog away and than turns around and sees Luca walking back to the truck>

Nora: Hey Luca, i can ask if my babysitter can stay a little while longer? <luca turns around and they both smile>

Luca: Well come on then!< Nora runs up to him>

Nora: Who is at the truck first pays!< starts to sprint away>

<Luca runs after her and passes her, she grabs his shirt for not let him win>

Luca: He that's cheating!

Nora: Catch me if you can!

< She runs and trips over a something, but Luca breaks her fall by grabbing her by the waist, they fall over and Luca is on top of Nora both covered in sand>

Luca: Hey.. Are you ok? You're not hurt or anything? < he says with a concerned voice>

< They look intense in each others eyes>

Nora: Euhm.. no  i'm ok.. thank you..

< Luca pulls her up and they are very close to each other, almost body to body and he wipes some sand of her face>

Luca: Glad you're ok..

Nora: Well you did catch me..

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 24, 2021 ⏰

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