Levi rubbed his head, at this point he was going to get a serious headache.

"Who cares about your word! You guys no nothing of pain and loneliness! So get lost already!" Inari shouted.

This triggered both Levi and Naruto simultaneously.

"Hmph, then keep crying like the baby you are! Acting like your the star at your own pity party! When whining all day helps someone let me know! Believe it!" Naruto yelled before stomping upstairs.

Kakashi, Sakura, Tazuna and Tsunami watched the two argue and watched as Levi steadily got more twitchy with every exchange of words.

"Tch, oi brat" Levi called out.

Inari who had tears running down his eyes froze at the cold blue eyes that were slowly shifting red before being forced back to blue again.

"I'm not sure what you're trying to pull here. But enough. You yourself know and understand nothing of loneliness and pain." Levi started as Inari slowly backed away. The poor boy started hyperventilating as Levi's glare grew colder.

Levi leaned down infront of the horrified boy, and watched as his panic only seemed to grow.

"So unless you wish for me to kill your mother and Grandfather to give you a taste of true loneliness and pain... I suggest... you give it a rest" Levi finished. He then stood up and walked upstairs with the others.

Inari was silent, he was stuck perfectly still with tears streaming down his face.

Sakura raced upstairs with fury on her face. That was too far, way too far. He's just a kid of course he would never understand.

Sakura slowly opened the door to the boys room and saw Sasuke laid flat on his back staring blankly at the ceiling. Naruto was at the window watching the waves as he wiped his face every now and then. Levi had his back faced to her and stared blandly at the wall has he clenched a small book tightly into his hands.

Sakura didn't understand why, but she chose to leave quietly. She couldn't understand, she had never lost anyone.

What Sakura didn't know was that had she not left she would have received a cold glare from all three boys in the room.




The next morning everyone other than Naruto headed out to the bridge. Naruto was completely drained and Levi (who was the only one who could wake him up) had no energy or patience to deal with the noise that would come with waking him up.

Mist slowly began to cover the bridge as unconscious bodies were found laying all over it.

"W-what happend here!?" Tazuna yelled.

"Tch, don't yell old man you'll give away our position" Levi spoke quietly.

Both boys pulled out a Kunai and held it close.

"S-sensei, they're alive right?" Sakura asked.

Kakashi chose to stay quiet as he slowly raised his forehead protector and narrowed his eyes at the scene.

"Hehehe, like our present?" A voice cackled.

As the fog cleared it revealed Zabuza, the Anbu from before who stood on his left and a completely cloaked person who stood on his right.

Levi glared as he recognised their Chakra signatures and was slightly annoyed that he would have to fight someone he used to know. That wouldn't stop him from killing her if he needs to.

I don't need Magic to killजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें