1// Ambition

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"Hello? Is anyone in here?" I heard a voice call out.

It was lunchtime. I was in the art room, working on a theatre prop for the upcoming play they were doing at my college. It was a play about these anthropomorphic bears who sang or something, I don't know. I didn't read the script.

I was working on a life-size cardboard prop of an anthropomorphic wolf who would work as a background character for a finishing scene. I had been working on it for a few days now, and I was just about finished up with it.

I'd been slaving in the art room for so long that my friends began to notice the lingering smell of paint whenever I was near. I wiped the sweat from my forehead as I heard an unfamiliar voice call out from the entrance of the art room.

I turned to step down from the ladder I was standing on to paint, but the door opened before I could get down. "O-Oh! Hello, I didn't know anyone was in he-" They began.

I looked over at them, it was a tall man. About 6'2, with curly dark brown hair and deep brown eyes. He was dressed in a goofy cardigan with some matching dress pants. He was a rather dapper-looking man for a college student, but there was something about him that screamed "child at heart". He halted his dialogue in favor of looking up at what I was doing.

"Oh, it's alright. What do you need?" I asked. "I actually came to grab some markers but... my goodness! Did you paint that?" He asked. I looked over at my work in progress and blushed, "Y-Yeah, she's not finished yet but, we're getting there."

"It looks amazing! You are very talented!" He smiled. He had a widespread grin that went from ear to ear, it was almost creepy, but at the same time, there was something so friendly about it. I nodded and uttered a small thank you before stepping down from the ladder.

"That kind of talent is exactly what I need!" The man smiled, "I know you're busy with your art but, c-could you possibly help me and a friend of mine with something? If you don't mind, of course." He asked. I smiled and nodded, "Sure, what is it?" I asked.

He blushed as if he were embarrassed to speak and began fidgeting with his fingers, "W-Well, me and my friend are set on starting up our own... eating establishment. Y'know, the ones with the... little robot animals that sing and dance?" He chuckled awkwardly, "We need to come up with designs for the characters, and I'm not very good at drawing."

I giggled, "That's really cool, actually! I'll totally help you with that!" The man smiled, "Really? Thank you!" He looked back over at my work, "I came here to get stuff so I could do it myself but, after looking at your artwork I felt like you'd do a better job at it than I could."

I smiled, "Well thank you. Give me a moment, I'll go grab a few colored pencils." The man nodded in response as I walked over to a shelf in the corner and grabbed a small bag of colored pencils. I turned to him and nodded towards the door, "Alright, let's go." I smiled.

"I didn't catch your name, by the way." I smiled as we began walking. "Jack. My name is Jack." He replied, "What is yours?"

"(Y/N)." I responded. He smiled and faced forward, "That's a pretty name." I blushed, "Thanks. Jack is a cool name, too." Jack chuckled and nodded, "Thank you. My mother gave it to me."

We engaged in a bit of small talk as Jack led me around the school to wherever his friend was. He took me to the lunchroom and began walking towards a small table where a familiar face sat tapping a pen against the lunch table.

"(Y/N)?" The person called out.


Artist || Jack Walten x Fem!Reader [AU]Where stories live. Discover now